Tilapia Breeding

A place to exchange information on breeding tilapia.  How to set up tilapia breeding colonies.  How to sex fish for breeding colonies. What foods are best for breeding pairs and fingerlings.
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  • Dave & Yvonne Story

    Sorry to say.. these are big/old. When i first see them hatched, I can only see the black eye.

  • Dr. George B. Brooks, Jr.

    Regarding leaving the eggs to brood with the female. This is the natural way to do this and many people prefer it. However I liketo have a bit more control so I relieve her of that duty and do it artificially using the technique described in this paper with great success: http://bit.ly/ZESh8I

    Also removing the eggs immediately kicks her back into the breeding cycle reducing the time till her next batch. 

  • Janet Little

    I would like to mention a sad experience I had with a female with babies in her mouth. If you remove a female she will be in distress and release the babies into the net and with her thrashing about the babies may be flung all around killing them and making you sad. I now leave the babies until I can see them feeding and mostly making it on their own and then move them to a safe tank. My last batch I got 350 fry all healthy and the adults cant seem to catch them if you have some hiding places.

  • Jon Parr

    Randal, most will get eaten, some will survive, and it largely depends on hiding spots, and hoe consistent you feed the adults. One bluegill will eat them all, however.
  • Hydroponics Curacao

    What does it mean when tilapias have a red colored fin? Been seeing a lot of them lately. Some of them are pretty aggressive and others aren't
  • Dr. George B. Brooks, Jr.

    RE: Red fins dorsal and anal. Male breeding colors.

  • Hydroponics Curacao

    Okok. So all of them with that red fin are males? I've found these 2 today. I don't know if they are fighting for that area or what.
  • Dr. George B. Brooks, Jr.

    At low densities of fish, the males will fight for territory and yes they can kill each other. (see vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWT1EX30ppk)

    Also big males have been known to bully small males unto death. Solution? 

    1. More uniform fish size.

    2. Increase density. Like people in an elevator at a certain number of fish/ft3, (number unknown, trial and error) social restrictions break down and fighting diminishes or stops all together.

    3. I am sure the others on the list will have additional workable solutions. 

  • Dr. George B. Brooks, Jr.

    P.S. Regarding removing fry & eggs from females. From my experience it is a skill you learn. Once you got it, you loss percentages drop significantly. IMHOP.

  • Hydroponics Curacao

    I think the density is pretty high. I think the pond is even overpopulated
  • Wendell Ford

    I have a 4'x4'x6' floating net box. It is made out of 1/8" netting. It is floating in a 10000 gallon FT. I put 350 Tilapia fingerlings in three or four weeks ago. The fish are eating and active. I know the amount of water I have is more than sufficient for the fish if grown to 1 1/2 lbs each. My concern is the actual amount of room they have to grow. Does anyone have any idea on the amount of area fish need per pound? I am feeding them 4 to 6 oz of food per day. Does anyone have any idea of how much food per fish is needed for quick growth? Any help out there would be appreciated.
  • Dr. George B. Brooks, Jr.

    I have seen tilapia cultured in densities as high as 1 lb/gallon. Very risky however, I would not recommend it. However it demonstrates how resilient tilapia are. This paper might help: https://srac.tamu.edu/index.cfm/event/getFactSheet/whichfactsheet/52/

    Regarding fish growth, tilapia can have excellent food conversion ratios (FCR). I have seen as low as 1:1.1. In this case for every 1.1 pounds of feed provided you get one pound of fish. More common however is 1:1.5. In this case about 66% of your feed is being converted to fish. For rapid growth, feed about 3% of their estimated body mass per day. Translating to English, if your fish weigh 1,000 grams, feed 30 grams per day. Putting the two calculations together into an Excel  sheet can give you some interesting projections. Naturally this is based on having very clean water and an excellent filter system and your skill as a farmer.

  • Elizabeth Cedeno

    I can't tell male and females? at least not looking at the genitals, or someone said the females have stripes, but this is not clear to us... the ones we separated in a fish tank, but a lot of then fight and some are loosing scales and there fins are getting bit. We keep trying taking in and out different ones to try??? I think all the ones we have are males... we have about 60 fish.


  • Hydroponics Curacao

    They aren't very big yet. So I suppose they have a lot of room for themselves. So I don't think my tank is overpopulated yet
  • Dr. George B. Brooks, Jr.

    Greetings Elizabeth. What species of tilapia are you using?

  • Dave & Yvonne Story


    Thank you for sharing. I get discouraged on this site from people without experience misquoting the research as if it is their own experience.

    Thank you

  • Elizabeth Cedeno

    OMG, about a week ago we star it an aquarium with 5 tilapias from our main tank; it all look great bought a heater to make the water to a comfortable 80,s and saw the nesting and we thought all was all good, we went away for 5 days to come back to a sad 3 dead 1 almost dead and 1 in a okay condition, we thinks this is a big male. We are having such of difficult time sexing them that we provably put to many males or females and they kill them self, also the water was very high on everything and murky. We are so sad and disappoint it, need all the help we can get from you experts out there. We are trying to had them reproduce in the aquarium. Thanks

  • Dukie Dixon

    How long after the male digs his hole and starts his kissing of the females are the eggs released for fertilization?
  • Dave & Yvonne Story


    Do not get discouraged. Answer Randall's questions and use this as a learning step


    This is not a simple question and answer. Sit back and chill. It might not happen at all this time.

  • Dukie Dixon

    Ok, easier said than done lol. I was so excited to see that big hole. Then I noticed the big one kissing two different fish. I only have five and I had no idea what sex they were but now I sort of do. Thanks :D
  • Dave & Yvonne Story

    Been there

    Not fun to be disappointed.. But it is a step in the right direction.

    I have hours of video with them doing everything, but no babies


  • Dukie Dixon

    Well, I shall wait and see. Like you Dave I too have video. Ha Ha just step away from the camera. The kissing is cute.
  • Dave & Yvonne Story

    GREAT memories forever

  • Elizabeth Cedeno

    Hello, this is Elizabeths husband Fabio, I'll try to give more info, the tank is a 55 gl, the fish r nile, size approx. 5" to 6" 7", we started with 4 of what we thought were 1 m n 3 f, but they started bumping their sides, 2 of them were so badly thrashed that it looked like cotton coming out from the sides, they died. so took other 2 n placed them back in main tank, researched the sexing more, thought we got the right ones, 1 was 7" other 4 about 4 to 5", the big one started clearing a nest, but soon after began beating up on others n 2nd biggest also on smaller one, so I lost 4 more, water was high in everything, I cleaned tank got more filters more air n fresh clean water that will sit for 3 or 4 days b4 adding fish, but how can I b sure of male n female, to succeed...? help. plz 

  • Dukie Dixon

    So let me see if I have this right. The males kiss each other for dominance? I only have 5 fish, not sexed and now three holes. Does that possibly mean that I have 3 males? Because the fish that were kissing each have a hole that it sits over? :-SS I-) I may not have any females.
  • Sahib Punjabi

    Here is a short video of Blue Tilapia breeding at Sahib's Hybrid Aquaponics Research Hobby Farm.


  • Elizabeth Cedeno

    Hi, thanks so much for the info. I wasn't able  to load the link for the video.

  • Dave & Yvonne Story

    I cannot view Sahib's video. I am I doing something wrong?

  • Dave & Yvonne Story


    Your advice has been right on the money with my own experiences.


  • David Hart

    Maybe this link to Sahib's video will work...


  • Dave & Yvonne Story


    Thank you

  • Sahib Punjabi

    Thank you David.

    No idea why the link back to the AquaponicsSource was not working. Thank you for providing the direct Youtube link.

    God bless

  • Hydroponics Curacao

    Just saw a few baby tilapias in the pond. Should I separate them into another tank? Or is the mother around them to protect them? There has been a lot of algae in my pond lately. So I can't see through the water to see if the mom is there or not.
  • Harlyn Mall

    Stripped four more females yesterday. 30 gallon and 37 are full of fry. These Blues are like the energizer bunny. One of the females released in the tank before I could net her. My 5 inch fish had a feast. You wanna see on angry mamma. I have never seen a female get this aggressive with other fish. The big male got her to calm down and she is fine and eating normally today.

  • Hydroponics Curacao

    If I use a fishing line to catch a tilapia, will it still do fine after I let it free again?
  • Dave & Yvonne Story

    If you can see your baby tilapia in a pond, chances are they have learned how to hide successfully.

  • Hydroponics Curacao

    I will start breeding my tilapias soon. How much female should I put with 1 male?
  • Dave & Yvonne Story

    4 females to 1 male is good. Breeding is complicated, but a natural occurrence. My belief is that if you let it happen naturally, you will have enough fish to eat for your family and friends. If you want to sell tilapia for profit, you will need a large operation.

  • Hydroponics Curacao

    I don't want to sell for profit or anything. But I want to breed them so I can harvest the big ones. Where I have them now is pretty crowded for them to breed in peace. So I have to put them in a separate tank
  • Dave & Yvonne Story

    At the U of A, their tilapia tanks look like 55 gallon drums. I have seen the drums full of fish and still have frys. They are not doing research. They are training aquaponic facility managers.

    I have 2 100 gal fish tanks, 2 150 gal fish tanks, and a 300 gal fish tank each has its own grow-bed. For breeding, I have a 125 gal tank, 3 50 gal tanks, 1 40 gal, and a 10 gal. I had fun and learned a great deal about fish and breeding, but I have shut down my breeding efforts, because I have enough fish hatching in the aquaponic setting. So, for a learning experience... I say have fun. Come up here and I will give you all of my aquariums.  

  • Dave & Yvonne Story

    These are my opinions. I hope others on here will express their opinions

  • Hydroponics Curacao

    My male in the breeding tank is making a pretty big nest at the moment and is chasing after the females
  • Dave & Yvonne Story


    I enjoyed reading about your experiences.

    Thank you for sharing

    Dave soon to be in VanHorn 

  • Hydroponics Curacao

    Does anyone have information about Emirati Tilapia?
  • Dave & Yvonne Story

  • Hydroponics Curacao

    Thanks! I just recently found out that those are the tilapias I have.
    Also found a female with hundreds of babies today!
  • Anselmo Torres

    Who has tilapia for sale?
  • Dave & Yvonne Story

    I suggest Kellen and Sarah Weissenbach. good clean fish and great people to help you learn


  • Kellen Weissenbach

    Thanks for the recommendation Dave. :)

  • Dave & Yvonne Story

    Who do you want to do the certification?