Janet Little


Carmichael, CA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you find us?
Search engine (Google)
If you found us through a search engine, what search words were you using?
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
flood and drain media, combination
How old is your system?
6 mos - 1 yr
What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
Goldfish, Tilapia
How big is your fish tank?
Name a part of a fish (spam blocking question)
Please tell us something else about yourself.
Organic Gardener, sustainable, permaculture, chickens, Bees, black soldier fly Larvae. I love drying, canning and storing food. Landscape Designer. President of The Green Hands Project.

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  • Richard Bunch

    Hi Janet:

    I am also interested in a few tilapia.  What kind of tilapia are they?  Price?



  • Richard Bunch

    I would be interested.  I work at Mather and get off of work at 3:30pm m-f.  Is it possible for me to pick some up around 3:45pm next week?

  • Marillyn

    Janet, I hope I'm doing this right.  I wanted to thank you for the tour I received from you and to let you know that the fish seem to like their new home.  Thanks again and I hope to keep in touch.  I'm sure I'll be needing your expertise down the line.