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In how many months can a Mozambique tilapia grow to a full adult? And how much do I have to feed them?

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What do you mean by adult? They are sexually mature and can breed in 3-4 months, and can get near a pound in 6 months. 

I mean when is it big enough to harvest for eating?
But it depends on what? The feeding?
I do know that feeding them a lot can cause an ammonia spike. But I have this biofilter and it's working really good. So I don't suspect an ammonia spike. These fish really eat a lof of food. They eat everything ever time I feed them.

Mozambiques are generally the slowest growing of the more popular Oreochromis species.  Blues, White Brook White Niles and Red Niles will typically perform much better.

I think that's why they aren't big yet. This year they will be one year old. But there are still some small fish in the pond.
Since here isn't an island where you can get tilapia species easily, I didn't have much choice. Got these as a gift

Kellen Weissenbach said:

Mozambiques are generally the slowest growing of the more popular Oreochromis species.  Blues, White Brook White Niles and Red Niles will typically perform much better.


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