I'm looking for inputs on pests in particular ants. I am looking at a document called BIOINTENSIVE INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) but was wondering if anyone has had to contend with ants and if so what did you do about it. I see a lot of ants running all over the surface of the rafts, I'm worried that they may be going after the roots of some of my plants.
Great to see you here. We have a lot of discussions on pest scattered here and there around the forums. Personally i leave them alone and they don't seem to affect my AP. Have a look here for further discussions http://aquaponicscommunity.com/forum/topics/the-bug-battle
I cant speak to ants effecting the roots, but, if you want to get rid of them, diatomacious earth will take care of them. It is non-toxic and commonly used as a calcium suppliment for farm animals. It is a fine powder that is like glass to ants. Put a generous line around the base of your toughs and the problem should be solved pretty quickly. I have put it down under the weed mat my troughs are on to prevent just that.
Harold, Todd thanks again. Trying to ensure I maintain my processes as near to organic as possible. Yesterday a worker at an organic farm told me they frequently use a mixture of boiled hot peppers, garlic and neem as an organic pesticide. As soon as I have the specific formula I'll share it.