Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Aloha everyone on Maui

Are you getting that rain we just had.  I didn't fair to bad as I have flat land.  The fish did real well as well as the plants.  Plants on land get beaten up by the rain.

Have any of you given any thought to joining the Aquqponic Association.I am interested in what you think about the idea.  Right now I am the Regional Director for Hawaii and we need a branch on Maui.  I am interested in candid answers so if you want to send me a personal note feel free to do so.  I am very interested in Aquapons from Hawaii feeling about an Association.  Hope to hear from you good or bad.

Mahalo Raychel

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Good point.  But if it's the same product...

Jennifer Jacobs said:

Better to invest in good equipment that will last instead of having to replace crappy equipment over and over and risk something happening to the fish.... just sayin

Larry Yonashiro said:

I donno about walmart........  good prices though.

Aquachronic@ogg said:

Mahalo for the offer. I got another one to try out hopefully this works. Btw, I noticed today that the one I returned yesterday was back on the shelf! I told the girl working at the returns that it was not working. Makes me wonder if I was buying a previously used one that was broken? Hmm? Talk to you later take care.

Good job Jennifer

You guys need to form a branch become members of the association and decide amongst yourselves who want to be the officers and let me know.  This is a young organization and it will be a little difficult in the begining but we do need to get together , share, hwlp each other.  I have been going to a lot of different farm meetings here and the sense of community and bringing back agriculture and healthy food is very high,  We will be few in the beginning but we will grow.  You already seem more cohesive than Oahu.  I will try to recruit some more people at the BOW on Saturday.  Let me know who takes what job and some how I will get you acknowledged as a Branch.  Congratulations.

sorry, my point is to avoid "the wal" it really isn't that much cheaper if you have to constantly replace items.  They may exchange for free but time and gas also factor into said equation.

Welp, I'm a dues paying member of the association so count me in as one.  two more people and we can get the show on the road.

It does get a liitle frustrating but "investing" is the idea and I try to keep it simple, but location (ogg) is a bit challenging.


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