Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Aloha everyone on Maui

Are you getting that rain we just had.  I didn't fair to bad as I have flat land.  The fish did real well as well as the plants.  Plants on land get beaten up by the rain.

Have any of you given any thought to joining the Aquqponic Association.I am interested in what you think about the idea.  Right now I am the Regional Director for Hawaii and we need a branch on Maui.  I am interested in candid answers so if you want to send me a personal note feel free to do so.  I am very interested in Aquapons from Hawaii feeling about an Association.  Hope to hear from you good or bad.

Mahalo Raychel

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Is that you, Robert?  I haven't been reading the posts lately.  Sorry to hear about your ick problem.  I went through that around April of last year, and it was horrible, but it hasn't resurfaced since.  Just remember, people giving you advice are in different locations, climate, water pH and chemistry, temperature, fish, etc., and what works for them may not work for you.  The posts on this site hurt me and helped me, so I can't complain.  Using that information, I had to learn on my own what worked for me.  Sorry for getting off track.

As far as the AAOM is concerned, I guess we'll just keep tracking this discussion for further instructions on what to do next.

Aquachronic@ogg said:

Aloha, aquapons! Would like more info on AAOM. Mahalo!

I'd be willing to be secretary or treasurer.  Whatever needs to be filled.  Anything to help this things get going

Aloha Larry, yes its me. Fish is doing fine, got the hospital going for my angel gold fish and got the others on watch. Can't seem to get a working heater from Walmart, three of them not working had to return each one. That's my sitrep for now. Hopefully this association gets wings.

Aloha Robert.  I got a couple of heaters that you can borrow if you want to try them.  They worked the last time I used them (almost a year ago).

Aquachronic@ogg said:

Aloha Larry, yes its me. Fish is doing fine, got the hospital going for my angel gold fish and got the others on watch. Can't seem to get a working heater from Walmart, three of them not working had to return each one. That's my sitrep for now. Hopefully this association gets wings.
Mahalo for the offer. I got another one to try out hopefully this works. Btw, I noticed today that the one I returned yesterday was back on the shelf! I told the girl working at the returns that it was not working. Makes me wonder if I was buying a previously used one that was broken? Hmm? Talk to you later take care.

Hi everyone I had to go out and got back late.  I will get an update on the Association tomorrow and tell you all the details.  There is supposed to be a link on the site but I never can find it.  Let me see if I can get you the link.  I should have come prepared but I had convinced myself no one was interested.

I'll get back soon Raychel

Article 5. The Association Branch

5.1 The basic and most important unit of The Association shall be The Association Branch and each Branch shall conform to the following rules:

1. A branch shall be established for a state, province, region or area of geographic commonality, as approved by the Board of Governors.

2. there shall be not less than three (3) Members in good standing in each branch. A member in good standing is one who is a financial member of the Branch for at least three (3) months prior to any election or motion in that Branch and where dues are fully paid.

3. the Branch shall obtain a Charter from the Board of Governors of The Association in writing to signify their existence as a Branch of The Association.

4. the Branch shall be governed by the Chapter Charter and Bylaws and this Charter and the Bylaws in Schedule One (1) hereto. In the case that the Chapter and Association Charters conflict, the Charter of the Association shall supersede unless the difference is approved by the Board of Governors.  upon presentment by the Chapter.

5. The Board of Governors shall have the sole authority to approve all new Branches of The Association.

5.2 Officers of the Branch:

1. The Officers of a Branch shall be ordinarily resident in that geographical area of commonality and shall comprise the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and such other Officers as the Branch may deem necessary.

2. The names of all officers of the Branch must be submitted to the Secretary of The Association immediately after the election of the Officers of the Branch.

3. No person shall hold office in more than one Branch but shall be able to hold membership in more than one Branch of The Association simultaneously.

5.3 The Treasurer’s duty of each Branch is to record, advise, and audit the finances of the branch and communicate these if required, to the Chairman of the Branch. He shall also assist the Chairman to create the annual budget, which shall be submitted to the Treasurer of The Chapter for review and subsequent approval, along with any requests for funds, and makes quarterly reports to the Chairman of the Branch for onward submission to the Chapter on the disposition of those funds.  In any event liability for branch activities shall remain always with the branch.

5.4 In January of every year all Branches must submit to the Secretary of The Association a calendar of events and activities setting out their intended activities for the year and a corresponding budget.

5.5 Each Branch shall hold a meeting at least once per month or per quarter and more often as desired in its geographical area of commonality (where appropriate).

5.6 Each Branch shall hold an Annual General Meeting once per year.

1. At each Annual General Meeting of the Branch there shall be an election of Officers of the Branch for the ensuing year.

Candidates for the offices of the Branch and those voting at the election of officers must be in good standing as defined in Article 5.1.1.

2. At the request of the Board of Governors of the Association the Branch shall produce all bank statements, books, vouchers, receipts and other documents of the Branch relative to the finances of the Branch for examination and inspection.

Article 6. The Association Branch Bylaws

6.1 All Branches of The Association shall be governed by the Bylaws which are set out in Schedule One (1) hereof and which sets out the duties and responsibilities of each and every Officer of the Branch and the manner in which all meetings shall be conducted to safeguard the interests and objectives of The Association.

The link also has details of the responsibility of the officers

I donno about walmart........  good prices though.

Aquachronic@ogg said:

Mahalo for the offer. I got another one to try out hopefully this works. Btw, I noticed today that the one I returned yesterday was back on the shelf! I told the girl working at the returns that it was not working. Makes me wonder if I was buying a previously used one that was broken? Hmm? Talk to you later take care.

I think we know who will be a super secretary!

Jennifer Jacobs said:

Article 5. The Association Branch

5.1 The basic and most important unit of The Association shall be The Association Branch and each Branch shall conform to the following rules:

1. A branch shall be established for a state, province, region or area of geographic commonality, as approved by the Board of Governors.

2. there shall be not less than three (3) Members in good standing in each branch. A member in good standing is one who is a financial member of the Branch for at least three (3) months prior to any election or motion in that Branch and where dues are fully paid.

3. the Branch shall obtain a Charter from the Board of Governors of The Association in writing to signify their existence as a Branch of The Association.

4. the Branch shall be governed by the Chapter Charter and Bylaws and this Charter and the Bylaws in Schedule One (1) hereto. In the case that the Chapter and Association Charters conflict, the Charter of the Association shall supersede unless the difference is approved by the Board of Governors.  upon presentment by the Chapter.

5. The Board of Governors shall have the sole authority to approve all new Branches of The Association.

5.2 Officers of the Branch:

1. The Officers of a Branch shall be ordinarily resident in that geographical area of commonality and shall comprise the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and such other Officers as the Branch may deem necessary.

2. The names of all officers of the Branch must be submitted to the Secretary of The Association immediately after the election of the Officers of the Branch.

3. No person shall hold office in more than one Branch but shall be able to hold membership in more than one Branch of The Association simultaneously.

5.3 The Treasurer’s duty of each Branch is to record, advise, and audit the finances of the branch and communicate these if required, to the Chairman of the Branch. He shall also assist the Chairman to create the annual budget, which shall be submitted to the Treasurer of The Chapter for review and subsequent approval, along with any requests for funds, and makes quarterly reports to the Chairman of the Branch for onward submission to the Chapter on the disposition of those funds.  In any event liability for branch activities shall remain always with the branch.

5.4 In January of every year all Branches must submit to the Secretary of The Association a calendar of events and activities setting out their intended activities for the year and a corresponding budget.

5.5 Each Branch shall hold a meeting at least once per month or per quarter and more often as desired in its geographical area of commonality (where appropriate).

5.6 Each Branch shall hold an Annual General Meeting once per year.

1. At each Annual General Meeting of the Branch there shall be an election of Officers of the Branch for the ensuing year.

Candidates for the offices of the Branch and those voting at the election of officers must be in good standing as defined in Article 5.1.1.

2. At the request of the Board of Governors of the Association the Branch shall produce all bank statements, books, vouchers, receipts and other documents of the Branch relative to the finances of the Branch for examination and inspection.

Article 6. The Association Branch Bylaws

6.1 All Branches of The Association shall be governed by the Bylaws which are set out in Schedule One (1) hereof and which sets out the duties and responsibilities of each and every Officer of the Branch and the manner in which all meetings shall be conducted to safeguard the interests and objectives of The Association.

Better to invest in good equipment that will last instead of having to replace crappy equipment over and over and risk something happening to the fish.... just sayin

Larry Yonashiro said:

I donno about walmart........  good prices though.

Aquachronic@ogg said:

Mahalo for the offer. I got another one to try out hopefully this works. Btw, I noticed today that the one I returned yesterday was back on the shelf! I told the girl working at the returns that it was not working. Makes me wonder if I was buying a previously used one that was broken? Hmm? Talk to you later take care.


I'm a science nerd, research is in my blood.....  plus i'm a farmer so i'm willing to put a little elbow grease into finding said research.... that and i'm still fresh from grad school so finding answers in a timely manner still seems important to me; I gotta learn to get use to being on Maui time!  

Larry Yonashiro said:

I think we know who will be a super secretary!

Jennifer Jacobs said:

Article 5. The Association Branch

5.1 The basic and most important unit of The Association shall be The Association Branch and each Branch shall conform to the following rules:

1. A branch shall be established for a state, province, region or area of geographic commonality, as approved by the Board of Governors.

2. there shall be not less than three (3) Members in good standing in each branch. A member in good standing is one who is a financial member of the Branch for at least three (3) months prior to any election or motion in that Branch and where dues are fully paid.

3. the Branch shall obtain a Charter from the Board of Governors of The Association in writing to signify their existence as a Branch of The Association.

4. the Branch shall be governed by the Chapter Charter and Bylaws and this Charter and the Bylaws in Schedule One (1) hereto. In the case that the Chapter and Association Charters conflict, the Charter of the Association shall supersede unless the difference is approved by the Board of Governors.  upon presentment by the Chapter.

5. The Board of Governors shall have the sole authority to approve all new Branches of The Association.

5.2 Officers of the Branch:

1. The Officers of a Branch shall be ordinarily resident in that geographical area of commonality and shall comprise the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and such other Officers as the Branch may deem necessary.

2. The names of all officers of the Branch must be submitted to the Secretary of The Association immediately after the election of the Officers of the Branch.

3. No person shall hold office in more than one Branch but shall be able to hold membership in more than one Branch of The Association simultaneously.

5.3 The Treasurer’s duty of each Branch is to record, advise, and audit the finances of the branch and communicate these if required, to the Chairman of the Branch. He shall also assist the Chairman to create the annual budget, which shall be submitted to the Treasurer of The Chapter for review and subsequent approval, along with any requests for funds, and makes quarterly reports to the Chairman of the Branch for onward submission to the Chapter on the disposition of those funds.  In any event liability for branch activities shall remain always with the branch.

5.4 In January of every year all Branches must submit to the Secretary of The Association a calendar of events and activities setting out their intended activities for the year and a corresponding budget.

5.5 Each Branch shall hold a meeting at least once per month or per quarter and more often as desired in its geographical area of commonality (where appropriate).

5.6 Each Branch shall hold an Annual General Meeting once per year.

1. At each Annual General Meeting of the Branch there shall be an election of Officers of the Branch for the ensuing year.

Candidates for the offices of the Branch and those voting at the election of officers must be in good standing as defined in Article 5.1.1.

2. At the request of the Board of Governors of the Association the Branch shall produce all bank statements, books, vouchers, receipts and other documents of the Branch relative to the finances of the Branch for examination and inspection.

Article 6. The Association Branch Bylaws

6.1 All Branches of The Association shall be governed by the Bylaws which are set out in Schedule One (1) hereof and which sets out the duties and responsibilities of each and every Officer of the Branch and the manner in which all meetings shall be conducted to safeguard the interests and objectives of The Association.


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