Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Well, I have my land cleared, and my 55 gallon drums for grow beds, pump sump and sink septic. This weekend I will start setting my hoops. I also have to decide on if I should use a small pool or dig a small pond and use a liner.

Is anyone using a pool for their fish tank?

I can get a small 10' diameter by 30" deep pool for $100.00

or I can dig a 10'x5'x4' deep pond with about the same water volume about 1400 gallons. The pool would be much easier but are they safe and rugged enough?

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I am in the proses of doing 2 pools and I still have to build my grow bed area Im building three large filters so that I can build a raft system to run w the pools I like the pool Idea Ill try to get some pic. up

I looked at link these are the same pools I have and I just ordered 2 more

Thanks Lonnie, They are only 30" deep, which is a little shallow but not too bad.

Lonnie Kirkman said:

I looked at link these are the same pools I have and I just ordered 2 more

well I think it will be fine and you can see the bottom also the pump may not last long I modified mine Im using a diffrent pump and sucking from the middle of the pool wast collection I dont think works well w the pool overflow

If you would like to take a look some time call me Im at exit 341 south of you 3524277430 my # is every were Im on call all the time


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