Aquaponic Gardening

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Has anyone used hydroponics to grow Gaur seeds? Trying to see if anyone has been able to figure out the grow conditions  and the nutrients required for the same. 

I am from the south of  India and trying to see if I can start a Gaur seed farm next year. 

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I don't know what Gaur is.

On a quick google search.

I came up with

But when I searched for Gaur Seeds

Guar,or cluster bean, (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub) is a drought-tolerant annual legume crop. Guar is being grown in India since ancient time and the Tender Green Guar is an important source of nutrition to animals and humans and is consumed as a vegetable and cattle feed The Guar legume plant is an agricultural product grown in arid zones of west and North West India and parts of Pakistan.

I expect you can find more details about growing it right there in India seeing as I didn't know what it was.


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