Aquaponic Gardening

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I live in South Jersey and am having difficulty locating 300+ blue plastic fish tanks for building my aquaponic system.  Does anyone know of a reliable source where tanks can be purchased without having to buy a kit system?

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I haven't bought from them, but they have what you need.

Many thanks, Johnathan and Dru!

Kristine - 

There are some photos on my page - if it's blue it's either a blue nile or a polytank .... the big blue thing is 1200 gals. The guys who run PT are cool ... eccentric ... but they get your order to you pretty much as promised .... better than most ... only caveat is maybe that their dimensions may be +/- a few % from their published dimensions ... not a big deal unless you are squeezing through a door or some such. 

Hey Dru - how do I reach your profile page (sorry, just can't seem to link to it).  I'm planning on calling PT tomorrow and trying to determine drop ship charges for I'm looking for - at first glance, however, they seem to have exactly what we need.  Thanks, again!


Just click on anyone's name or tag (if it's in blue it will take you to their page) ... there is a list on their page including "photos" if they've posted anything to the community ... there you are .... easy breezy ... BTW - in my humble Sylvia B. has done an amazing and wonderful thing building this site, and it's not surprising she's near 10,000 crazy aquaponics fans ....  

Try a fish farm supply compay, that's where I found mine.  That's in Ontario though.


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