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I'm putting in a catfish group order and I still have bluegill for those interested.

Ok, Catfish group order. Will be calling the fish farm to see what they have available. Finally I've had a stretch of time without any fish kills or disease presenting so looking to re-stock catfish again.

So, who is still up for some Catfish. Ron has sent me an e-mail and I have a tank/system for quarantine so it's time.

$1 per fish is what I figure lately for bluegill or small catfish, we have to schedule pickup times when I can be home for catching fish and you need a container and aerator for the transport of the fish home with you as I don't have oxygen or the stuff for bagging the fish.

Called the fish farm and it will be a couple weeks before they have fingerlings so let me know ASAP if you are in for the order and for how many so I know how many to get.

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Well Ron was the only one who spoke up so we didn't get that many catfish.  I do still have some extra bluegill but some are going to Cosmo since he is currently fishless.

TCL please post a telephone number for Florida Fish Farms.  I could not find one on their site.



Florida Fish Farms

9684 CR 705

Center Hill, FL 33514

(352) 793-4224


However George, seeing as you are up in North FL you might want to look up a fish farm in North Florida and see which one is closer to you.

Paul's Fish Farm
3256 Highway 2

Bonifay, FL 32425-3540

(850) 547-2215


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