Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hey Folks. Lets go see how its done. I'm going to try to make it. Hope you can do. Here are the links:


Google Map:

Sponsored by Local Roots Aquaponics:

Note there is a $5/person charge.

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Should read "hope you can too". Oh well, you get the point ;-)

We'll be taking a trip down Tucson way about 2 weeks after this. Doggonit!

Greetings. Thought you might like to see a few pics from today’s (10/6/2012) aquaponics tour in Tucson. Only got to 3 of the 10 locations but it was well worth the drive.




P.S. Dave, they know your name down there.


Tour place marker (These were likely at each site)


Tour organizers Stéphane Herbert-Fort (Owner Local Roots) and Sean Herman.


64 ft2 ebb and flow system at Manzo Elementary School Tucson:


Small continuous flow media-bed system at Eco Grow LLC:


Large continuous flow media-bed system at Local Roots (Under Construction)


Large continuous flow media-bed system at Local Roots (700 gph) in operation:

Thanks for the pics Dr. Brooks!!!  I had other commitments today or I would have gone down there....  Am I right that Local Roots is using tarps as liners??

Don't know unfortunately. Sorry for the late reply.

Chris George said:

Thanks for the pics Dr. Brooks!!!  I had other commitments today or I would have gone down there....  Am I right that Local Roots is using tarps as liners??

@Dr. Brooks....I saw this reply today and thought 'oh goody, another Tucson tour, I'll really try to go this time around'...haha! Thanks for the reply, great lecture last Thursday!!!!!  

Hi Chris. No this was from last year. Just posted it again so folks could see how they did it. Re the lecture: Thanks for the kind words and thank for coming. It was fun.

Hi Chris, the tarps are just used to protect the outside/exposed plastic from the sun.  The tarps don't go down into the lava as liners.  The tanks are hard food-grade tubs, no liners needed.

@Local Roots.....Thanks for the clarification!  Where did you source your food-grade tubs?  And, how much did they run you?  If you are willing to share I'd appreciate the info....(thx).


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