Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

As of December 5th, 2015, Tilapia (all species that we grow) are now officially on the restricted species list for Arizona. This does not mean you can not have them. You will note that channel catfish are and always have been on the list. Yet you can have them. The challenge will be following the rules as stated.  

Here is the link to the document:

If I understand what is written correctly, as seen on page 18 - 20, you will need to get a stocking permit. A stocking permit is free. I will verify this Monday when I get a chance to talk to them. In Arizona Aquaponics is Aquaculture. In Az aquaculture is regulated by two departments. Game and Fish and the Department of Ag. The rule change we see is for Game and Fish who controls stocking. The Dept. of Ag rules I help to write. Note, back then we had no clue about aquaponics. I would write them a little differently today. For backyard farms no outside sales:$0.00. For farming for sale, transporting, fee fishing, processing, $100/ per category per per facility per year. For educational systems (schools) $10/facility per year.

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