Good morning my friends. I will be introducing the U of Az master gardeners to aquaponics on May 14th, 2014. As part of my presentation I would love to have some farms they could go volunteer at to learn more. Anyone who is interested please let me know.
Additional information: Each county has a U of Az extension office. In this case the presentation is for the U of Az Maricopa County master gardeners. These are people from across Phoenix metro. If there are any of you who would welcome a few of them to come to your farms to volunteer and learn more about aquaponics some days or weeks after the presentation I look forward to hearing from you. :-D
Hey Dr. Brooks....not sure what your definition of farm is, however, if they would like to come by the school plant lab we would be glad to have them. We have hydroponic, aquaponic, square foot, and container gardens that might interest them.