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I need sujestions for recipies and uses for the Basil that my system is pouring out  amazing how green and fragrant this food is from the aquaponics systems  amazed at the production rates  Publix will go out of business soon LOL   In stead of food stamps I want the state to give out aquaponic systems  !!!


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pesto!  then use the pesto to flavor soups, meat, chicken, pork, etc


great idea  and I could prepare and freeze it!!

Whenever you make salad, throw some basil or any other herb leaves in to spice it up.

Whenever you make tomato soup,. pinch some fresh basil off to throw in the soup.  Would probably work with other soups as well.

Throw some fresh basil in your sandwiches.

Use basil on the plate as a garnish.

Eat fresh basil leaves every time you wander through the garden.

Give basil offerings to whom or whatever you worship.

Make and freeze pesto so you have basil for the "off season"

sell it

What 'off season'..? hehe...

My wife and I have pretty much 'have learned' to put basil in just about everything. And I mean everything...fruit juices and smoothies included.

I really wish people here used (i.e bought and ate) the stuff, but alas there's not much market for it here. No-one eats basil in anything! It's been relegated to ceremonial religious use, used by priests to bless holy water and other such hocus-pocus...  

TCLynx said:

Whenever you make salad, throw some basil or any other herb leaves in to spice it up.

Whenever you make tomato soup,. pinch some fresh basil off to throw in the soup.  Would probably work with other soups as well.

Throw some fresh basil in your sandwiches.

Use basil on the plate as a garnish.

Eat fresh basil leaves every time you wander through the garden.

Give basil offerings to whom or whatever you worship.

Make and freeze pesto so you have basil for the "off season"

Peanut butter and honey and pesto sandwiches are great.

eugh...  I still prefer peanut butter and jelly

Glenn said:

Peanut butter and honey and pesto sandwiches are great.

Just for Curiosity, what kind of production are you basil folks getting? The local college goes from seedling to 2 lb clusters in 4 weeks (plus 3 weeks from seed to seedling), using hydroponic nft, 3-4 seeds per 1" hole, 8" spread, in a greenhouse.

Pesto and grilled cheese sandwiches.

I have a summer pasta recipe that I put a ton of basil in. Combine chopped tomatoes, minced or crushed garlic, olive oil(1/2 a cup), chopped basil, and a soft cheese like brie(that's been ripped into chunks) together in a bowl let that mixture sit in room temperature for a bout an hour. Then pour that on top of some hot pasta. Basically just pesto with tomatoes and cheese.

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