Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I announced today that I'm writing a book for New Society Publisher called "Aquaponic Gardening: A Step By Step Guide to Growing Vegetables and Fish Together".  Things I've learned about aquaponics from this community will be featured all over the book, but I especially want to represent the emotional connection that so many of us have with aquaponics by starting each chapter with a quote from someone in here about what aquaponics means to them.


PLEASE help me out by adding to this discussion below.  (and by adding your comment to this particular thread know that it will be quoted for posterity )


Thanks, everyone!

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And, I forgot to say .... Freedom from pulling weeds! The part I hated most about gardening was the weeding, now that's done away with!
More than a hobby- it turns into a way of life!

Aquaponics mimics the best of nature and provides protein and produce by reusing waste. Very few other “systems” can say as much. Eating healthy foods, conserving our precious resources, eliminating the use of chemicals, connecting with others, creating more sustainable lives, and providing hours of entertain, this is why we love aquaponics.

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