Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

The Future of Food and Farming

I'd like to start a discussion about this executive summary.  What are your thoughts?  How can aquaponics play a role?

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You are welcome Green Acre Organics :-) 


I try to walk the walk and talk the talk and and happy to share with those I see doing the same. Yes it is high time that we need to move to the next step and start to dance. I do not however agree to only Chicago and possibly Colorodo. Why not Sunny Florida?


We have brilliant examples of Aquaponic facilities as well as hydroponic facilities (not very difficult to adapt to aquaponics), right here...just look in the mirror at yourself and all the Florida members with tremendous experience and knowledge in this field (see the Member Map for the density), as well as Epcot at Walt Disney World & Green Sky Growers ( ). We also have Academia help in the University of Florida as well as their various extension offices...remember that our Key Note speaker at the 2nd Florida Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises Conference ( Friday, July 31st 2010 - Sunday August 1st, 2010), was none other than Mr. Will Allen of Growing Power.


My humble request to those looking to organize and host such conferences is :


o Make them short (1 day) and repeatable - add new / updates as required

o Hold them in different geographical regions to reflect spread the message to as many people as possible

o Hold them bi-monthly, thus we could cover 6 states annually

o Use Video conferencing technology so as to have web participation

o Set up an Association that issues Commercial Aquaponic Verification Certification for commercial members.


Just my two cents worth...:-)


God bless,


Good thoughts all, Sahib.  I agree that being somewhere other than the midwest would be appropriate for the next conference,since I consider the excellent event at Sweet Water as the first in what will hopefully be a tradition of aquaponics conferences.  Florida or Southern California would definitely be great places to go this year, especially since I woke up to -18 this morning!  Maybe Chicago or Denver in 2012, but as aquaponics spreads the options for locations will as well.  

Personally I'd be more of a fan for having a 3 day event once a year.  It is expensive and time consuming to not only attend, but also to pull off an event like this.  Best to maximize the plane fare and focus the organizational efforts.  I completely agree with video taping and creating the association you are referring to...should be a key goal of the next conference, IMO.  October 2011 in Florida?

I am liking the idea of one right here in my own backyard too!  You really can't beat Orlando as a premium spot for conferences and October would be perfect.  I guess we are actually talking about setting up the infrastructure for such an organization, as that would have to be determined in order to produce such an event.  So this would be the first annual Global Aquaponics Conference (and Expo)?   Great suggestions Sahib, but I agree that the 3 day format is more palatable for the incurred travel cost. 



Sylvia Bernstein said:

Good thoughts all, Sahib.  I agree that being somewhere other than the midwest would be appropriate for the next conference,since I consider the excellent event at Sweet Water as the first in what will hopefully be a tradition of aquaponics conferences.  Florida or Southern California would definitely be great places to go this year, especially since I woke up to -18 this morning!  Maybe Chicago or Denver in 2012, but as aquaponics spreads the options for locations will as well.  

Personally I'd be more of a fan for having a 3 day event once a year.  It is expensive and time consuming to not only attend, but also to pull off an event like this.  Best to maximize the plane fare and focus the organizational efforts.  I completely agree with video taping and creating the association you are referring to...should be a key goal of the next conference, IMO.  October 2011 in Florida?

So glad we are starting to arrive at the same place :-)


While I have been to numerous conferences / classes (in other walks of life), in the past that lasted 3 or more days, and yes were rather expensive, unless there is an urgent or pressing need for such a time line, we should tread very carefully. the reason that I was suggesting a 1 full day conference that would be repeatable (with changes made for updates as required), and held Bi-monthly in different regions using all the latest technology (video conferencing and internet/web participation), is so that we could spread the message to as many people as possible, have local schools and universities involved, experience different climate / growing zones etc..etc. You do not physically have to be present at each event as you should be able to participate via the internet & video.


Given the current state of our economy, we are all trying to be as productive as possible and taking away a significant period of time to travel and attend a 3 day event would be a challenge to many...certainly me, thus we would lose out on participation by many and not get the message out to many local contacts...remember our objective should always be based upon "Small is Beautiful". Just sit back and reflect what you / we have been able to achieve in less than one year via this Community and Forum. The "One Day" Regional Aquaponic Conferences would also help establish local Aquapon Gurus and Help Centers that would further spread this message in a rapid a famous Hindi lyric/song says "  Jyot se jyot jagate chalo"...From a lit candle continue to light other candles.

These are some great ideas!


Especially if we don't expect ourselves to be able to do everything
right away and at the same time.  I would very much enjoy the blessing

of a visit to Florida's aquaponic projects and other offerings.  What would

be the ideal month to hold the Florida and Southeastern Aquaponics




Sahib Punjabi said:

You are welcome Green Acre Organics :-) 


I try to walk the walk and talk the talk and and happy to share with those I see doing the same. Yes it is high time that we need to move to the next step and start to dance. I do not however agree to only Chicago and possibly Colorodo. Why not Sunny Florida?


We have brilliant examples of Aquaponic facilities as well as hydroponic facilities (not very difficult to adapt to aquaponics), right here...just look in the mirror at yourself and all the Florida members with tremendous experience and knowledge in this field (see the Member Map for the density), as well as Epcot at Walt Disney World & Green Sky Growers ( ). We also have Academia help in the University of Florida as well as their various extension offices...remember that our Key Note speaker at the 2nd Florida Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises Conference ( Friday, July 31st 2010 - Sunday August 1st, 2010), was none other than Mr. Will Allen of Growing Power.


My humble request to those looking to organize and host such conferences is :


o Make them short (1 day) and repeatable - add new / updates as required

o Hold them in different geographical regions to reflect spread the message to as many people as possible

o Hold them bi-monthly, thus we could cover 6 states annually

o Use Video conferencing technology so as to have web participation

o Set up an Association that issues Commercial Aquaponic Verification Certification for commercial members.


Just my two cents worth...:-)


God bless,


The video taping could tie in with the exploration and "organic" develoment of...


Aquaponics TV.




Sylvia Bernstein said:

Good thoughts all, Sahib.  I agree that being somewhere other than the midwest would be appropriate for the next conference,since I consider the excellent event at Sweet Water as the first in what will hopefully be a tradition of aquaponics conferences.  Florida or Southern California would definitely be great places to go this year, especially since I woke up to -18 this morning!  Maybe Chicago or Denver in 2012, but as aquaponics spreads the options for locations will as well.  

Personally I'd be more of a fan for having a 3 day event once a year.  It is expensive and time consuming to not only attend, but also to pull off an event like this.  Best to maximize the plane fare and focus the organizational efforts.  I completely agree with video taping and creating the association you are referring to...should be a key goal of the next conference, IMO.  October 2011 in Florida?

See...we are blessed with so much knowledge that we Aquapons would gladly share so others can joins us in living this "way of life" :-)


God bless

James J. Godsil said:

The video taping could tie in with the exploration and "organic" develoment of...


Aquaponics TV.




Sylvia Bernstein said:

Good thoughts all, Sahib.  I agree that being somewhere other than the midwest would be appropriate for the next conference,since I consider the excellent event at Sweet Water as the first in what will hopefully be a tradition of aquaponics conferences.  Florida or Southern California would definitely be great places to go this year, especially since I woke up to -18 this morning!  Maybe Chicago or Denver in 2012, but as aquaponics spreads the options for locations will as well.  

Personally I'd be more of a fan for having a 3 day event once a year.  It is expensive and time consuming to not only attend, but also to pull off an event like this.  Best to maximize the plane fare and focus the organizational efforts.  I completely agree with video taping and creating the association you are referring to...should be a key goal of the next conference, IMO.  October 2011 in Florida?

James Sir,


As to "What would be the ideal month to hold the Florida and Southeastern Aquaponics Gatherings?", I would request my fellow Florida Aquapons to consider and pitch in. There is likely to be a Florida Aquaponic tour that will be planned possibly during March so that will give the Florida Aquaponics Group time to reflect on this.


There is also the 3rd Annual Florida Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises Conference scheduled for some time in late July early August (Will Allen was Key Note Speaker last year). The weather then is probably too hot so probably around Easter time or October time...let's see what my fellow Florida Aquapons have to say :-)

James J. Godsil said:

These are some great ideas!


Especially if we don't expect ourselves to be able to do everything
right away and at the same time.  I would very much enjoy the blessing

of a visit to Florida's aquaponic projects and other offerings.  What would

be the ideal month to hold the Florida and Southeastern Aquaponics




Sahib Punjabi said:

You are welcome Green Acre Organics :-) 


I try to walk the walk and talk the talk and and happy to share with those I see doing the same. Yes it is high time that we need to move to the next step and start to dance. I do not however agree to only Chicago and possibly Colorodo. Why not Sunny Florida?


We have brilliant examples of Aquaponic facilities as well as hydroponic facilities (not very difficult to adapt to aquaponics), right here...just look in the mirror at yourself and all the Florida members with tremendous experience and knowledge in this field (see the Member Map for the density), as well as Epcot at Walt Disney World & Green Sky Growers ( ). We also have Academia help in the University of Florida as well as their various extension offices...remember that our Key Note speaker at the 2nd Florida Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises Conference ( Friday, July 31st 2010 - Sunday August 1st, 2010), was none other than Mr. Will Allen of Growing Power.


My humble request to those looking to organize and host such conferences is :


o Make them short (1 day) and repeatable - add new / updates as required

o Hold them in different geographical regions to reflect spread the message to as many people as possible

o Hold them bi-monthly, thus we could cover 6 states annually

o Use Video conferencing technology so as to have web participation

o Set up an Association that issues Commercial Aquaponic Verification Certification for commercial members.


Just my two cents worth...:-)


God bless,


Sahib, I think we are probably reaching for two different goals, and that is why we are arriving at a different place.  I'm focused on getting the most number of aquaponic people together in North America  at one time to drive the formation of an official aquaponics association, with leaders and bi-laws, and all that stuff, as well as perhaps some commercial standards.  I'm also envisioning workshops that might focus on a couple tracts - commercial and home-based are the two that immediately come to mind, although I can see neighborhood community systems and educational systems as well.  Also leaving enough time to visit come aquaponics set ups in the area.  Tough, perhaps impossible, to do in a day and honestly it doesn't make sense for most people to fly somewhere for just a day's worth of activity and impact - c'est vrai?  I wouldn't fly to Florida for a day's workshop, but I would go if it were more extensive, especially if I had 9 months advanced notice!  October is great.


You are talking about getting the work out and spreading information...almost more of a seminar rather than a conference. Another worthy goal, if someone had the time to lead it. I think your regional concept works great for that.  Almost more of a TEDx approach.

Agreed...need to do both eventually :-)


Do what you consider important first. As far as appointing leaders, just a suggestion, I think the more appropriate term would be "Apqaponic Educators". In this field, given it is relatively new, calling some officials leaders may be seen as too "governmental".


We could schedule the "Big Annual Aquaponic Conference" at different locations in USA (or other), so that delegates could combine work with pleasure if possible and run the regional workshops as suggested. Let us at least start as it is crucial to have a Professional Aquaponic Association with By-laws and Standards for Aquaponic Certification...especially for commercial aquaponic growers.


I sincerely appreciate all the effort that is being expended by you in this and am glad to be able to share some thoughts as requested. Now you know Sylvia, we certainly would want you in Florida for more than one know, you have a lot of friends here, including self, who would be sad not to spend quality time with you :-)


God bless,


Sylvia Bernstein said:

Sahib, I think we are probably reaching for two different goals, and that is why we are arriving at a different place.  I'm focused on getting the most number of aquaponic people together in North America  at one time to drive the formation of an official aquaponics association, with leaders and bi-laws, and all that stuff, as well as perhaps some commercial standards.  I'm also envisioning workshops that might focus on a couple tracts - commercial and home-based are the two that immediately come to mind, although I can see neighborhood community systems and educational systems as well.  Also leaving enough time to visit come aquaponics set ups in the area.  Tough, perhaps impossible, to do in a day and honestly it doesn't make sense for most people to fly somewhere for just a day's worth of activity and impact - c'est vrai?  I wouldn't fly to Florida for a day's workshop, but I would go if it were more extensive, especially if I had 9 months advanced notice!  October is great.


You are talking about getting the work out and spreading information...almost more of a seminar rather than a conference. Another worthy goal, if someone had the time to lead it. I think your regional concept works great for that.  Almost more of a TEDx approach.

I wouldn't dream of going to Florida without spending time with "self"   

Your concern about "leaders" is well taken.  I think my vision is more around the need for an organizing mechanism to promote aquaponics, and aquaponics education, and perhaps create this Standards agency that we all keep talking about.  And in my experience organizations need leaders in order to get anything done, BUT those leaders should be focused on herding the cats, not dictating the direction the cats should go in.  Does that make any sense?  I'm not looking for a King, but rather someone, or a group of someones, that can take charge of this and make sure it happens.  Like what Godsil and Sweet Water did at the Milwaukee event.  But also follows through with whatever surfaces at the event.  More of a Coordinator.  Is that a mo' betta word?


Sylvia Bernstein said:

I wouldn't dream of going to Florida without spending time with "self"   

Your concern about "leaders" is well taken.  I think my vision is more around the need for an organizing mechanism to promote aquaponics, and aquaponics education, and perhaps create this Standards agency that we all keep talking about.  And in my experience organizations need leaders in order to get anything done, BUT those leaders should be focused on herding the cats, not dictating the direction the cats should go in.  Does that make any sense?  I'm not looking for a King, but rather someone, or a group of someones, that can take charge of this and make sure it happens.  Like what Godsil and Sweet Water did at the Milwaukee event.  But also follows through with whatever surfaces at the event.  More of a Coordinator.  Is that a mo' betta word?

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