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Is any body growing stevia? it is a very difficult plant to germinate 1or 2 over 10 seeds will grow and I have 0 for the third time, what am doing wrong will like to know.. Any body?????

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I am growing stevia, and know others who do.   The seeds are amazingly tiny and takes tons of patience to grow it from seed.


Better is to propagate it so you get the characteristics of the parent plant   this is the best video I have seen about this ->


I have not been successful yet to propagate, but I have taken seed off the plant and have now 1 seed growing.




I've heard that growing it from seed may not provide the sweet characteristics you probably want as well.  And that lots of the seeds are not likely to germinate as well. 


Get some plants that are good and take cuttings.  I've purchased a few plants and I'm managed to keep some growing for a few years now.

Wen do you think is the proper time to order plants and transplant the cuttings am from south Georgia winter is not so bad but we have a few frost.

TCLynx said:

I've heard that growing it from seed may not provide the sweet characteristics you probably want as well.  And that lots of the seeds are not likely to germinate as well. 


Get some plants that are good and take cuttings.  I've purchased a few plants and I'm managed to keep some growing for a few years now.

I don't know but here is a place you could buy them from, perhaps ask them if they have a recommended season.


But I've actually gotten one good plant from Lowes I think and I've been taking cuttings off that one for a while now.

According to Johnny's Selected Seeds, stevia should be planted only when the low temperature will be above 45 degrees and it takes 100-120 days to harvest.

I use to grow my Stevia in an organic grow-bed and propagate root structure from cuttings in a high pressure spray, aeroponics system then transfer to one of my hydroponics systems (using fish ferts/ AP).

BTW: I'd love some seeds if anyone has spare. ;)

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