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Senate Wants to Give President Right to use military to imprison US citizens Without Charge or Trial

I was bored so i thought i would open a interesting discussion in the off topic section :).



I was reading around and i found this interesting Bill

For those who want to see it most links are sources to where i found it and the bill should be in there.





For those who dont want to go through the PDF. files, It just the military will have the right to lock you up for no reason what so ever(martial law).


Do you think they should pass this bill?


How would you feel if it does pass, would you still live in the US?


Also how do you feel about what is going on in the world today Do you think WW3 is just around the corner?









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Sounds odd. Looks like the president will veto however. Makes me happy to live in a country where this is public information and we can cause an uproar. However, it sounds like the people of Michigan needs a new Senator.

While I am not so nieve to think it could never possibly happpen, this write up makes me feel a little better:

The most controversial provision is section 1032 of the Senate NDAA, called the “mandatory military custody” provision. It requires that non-American members of al-Qaeda or “affiliated” entities be held in military custody pending “disposition under the law of war.” Covered persons who are a “participant in the course of planning or carrying out an attack or attempt[ed]” attack are subject to the rule.

Covered persons being non-American members of al-Qaeda or “affiliated” entities.


Yeah, the Heritage "fluoride=mind control" Foundation can put a good spin on things. I do not believe in indefinite detention for anyone, without trial. That's my opinion though, it doesn't make you or I fascists.

Teresa Schmidt said:

While I am not so nieve to think it could never possibly happpen, this write up makes me feel a little better:

The most controversial provision is section 1032 of the Senate NDAA, called the “mandatory military custody” provision. It requires that non-American members of al-Qaeda or “affiliated” entities be held in military custody pending “disposition under the law of war.” Covered persons who are a “participant in the course of planning or carrying out an attack or attempt[ed]” attack are subject to the rule.

Covered persons being non-American members of al-Qaeda or “affiliated” entities.


I have been following many posts on this site for some time. I am extremely happy to see discussions like this popping up on this site. The powers which be are taking so many awful baby steps towards the destruction of our sovereignty. As the youth of this country, I feel I was sheltered and lied to for too long, the price of education has sky rocketed making a life of low income farming impossible while burdened with massive debt. I became aware of this bill this morning and was shocked, but given the current warpped media spin doctors climate of America we face many personal moral dilemmas which are being complicated by rhetoric from each side, who ultimately are they same beast. Call you senator on Monday morning and demand they add in the udall amendment or entirely oppose this awful piece of legislation. Please please tell everyone who will listen. And follow how they vote.

I try to be open minded and learn from not only my mistakes but others mistakes, The way this society is manipulated to think is disturbing to me, i have lived in and out of US Its a whole different world out there way different. I was living out in the middle east, People are really dumbed down in the US for example my little cousin who was 14 was learning things they teach in city college as a general class .Thats the normal school program out there, if children at 14 can learn such things way not try to really open there minds and really teach them in school. I have talked to and heard from more then 1 teacher in the US that they got in trouble for trying to teach there kids higher education material then they were suppose to.


I know there is a lot of conspiracy nuts out there, but if you ever look back at history it never lies and just the way things are today, The whole world is in riot and protest, Israel and US are on brink of war with Iran and if that starts then WW3 has been set into motion.



What im trying to say is just because someone believes in conspiracy does not make them crazy, and just because someone does not believe it does not make them not crazy. you have to be really open minded and look at the whole picture.



Ya'll might be getting a bit paranoid but, you are needed for a free state.

What makes you feel free in this state?

The fact I can state my opinion on here. 

Danny Daniel said:

What makes you feel free in this state?

Do you feel free when you are told that you can water your lawn on certain days only?


You cant park your car crooked on your own drive way?

i can go on forever.


i understand freedom of speech is a great thing here, but if no one is really ever listening and everyone just goes back and forth then whats its use, i rather have to fight for being able to state my own opinion because then you know people will listen.



Edit: living out in the middle east, i had never felt any pressure about what i could or could not say. Now you cant go on tv and say bad things about the wrong people because out there money talks and if you have money you have power,but where is it not like that.


Also I dont mean to be rude or anything, just having good conversation :).

We as Americans are far from free, yet many will argue endlessly about why you are wrong, they have been seduced by those who buy voters, the same people who launch unneeded, unconstitutionalwars at our children's expense. The euro banking cartel may soon send ripples to the rest of the world. I know I am not free when in a year or so my money may buy me half of what it will today. Because of our governments in bed with private banks and places their needs ahead of individuals.

Sure we have lost liberties but are we more or less free? I say yes. I believe that we should extend liberty to at least what it was before the Patriot Act, and beyond. However, some things necessary to the general welfare can sometimes override some liberties like grass lawns.

whats the difference between  liberties and freedom?
Eric Warwick said:

Sure we have lost liberties but are we more or less free? I say yes. I believe that we should extend liberty to at least what it was before the Patriot Act, and beyond. However, some things necessary to the general welfare can sometimes override some liberties like grass lawns.

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