Alright, finding IBC totes in my area that the previous content was a food product is proving more difficult than I initially thought. We've called around, answered Craigslist ads, checked ebay and even questioned about a few totes we saw sitting outside at a storage facility. All of them contained transmission fluid, Roundup or other chemicals that I'm not willing to try and work with.
Then I got a response from a gentleman very close-by that offered a better price than I have seen and willing to deliver (nice bonus since I don't have a truck). When I asked what the totes had in them, he responded "alcohol based de-icer". I looked into it a little and found this to be better than other options I've explored so far. So I sent him a message back (apologizing for being a pain) asking if he knew the chemical or trade name for the product. I hadn't heard back from him for a couple days so I figured I was asking too much of this good 'ol boy and just blew it off.
Much to my surprise I had another response from him this morning, saying this...
"Hey Pat I found this on the tank. It says it is UCAR(TM) PG aircraft
deicing fluid. Made by Dow chemical company I hope it helps you."
Instantly I googled "UCAR(TM) PG aircraft deicing fluid" and quickly found this page... which then links to a .pdf file in the "WARNING" section, that gives a 36 page break down of the product in question.
I also looked up "Propylene glycol" and came across this page...
So I've read all the information and I'm not ruling out the fact that I may be able to adequately clean these tanks. What I'm asking here, is for more sets of eyes to read over this documentation and offer some opinions and/or advice. I'm not looking to be criticized, this isn't my first choice either but like I said I'm having a tough time locating totes that contained a food product!
I know it's a lot to read over and I greatly appreciate those that may take the time to help me out here.
Thanks for your time in advance!
here in waycross i found a plant that makes dog food and gets a binding agent for the dog food in them it seems to work ok and have had no adverse effects as to date over 2 years now
Pat check out Pepsi or Coke plants that's where we got ours from incuding the blue barrelsHey Nick, nice to see a familiar face here! There is a Coca-Cola plant in St. Louis. My wife tried to connect with them but never got a reply. Who or what department would you suggest trying to get a hold of? 7-Up used to be local too but I'm not sure if they still are or not.
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