Aquaponic Gardening

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I've seen a few headlines on this recently and wondering if any of our amazing community has tried it? Besides salt, what are the main differences? I'm not sure about the eco system of a salt water the chemistry much different? (I haven't looked much up yet, but curious what everyone's experience was)

I realize besides seaweed and a few exotic trees (mangrove) not much could grow. But I often taught indoor AP as a great way to keep pet fish healthier, less expensively, and with less product to buy in the long run. So wondering if this could be a great to keep saltwater pets?


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Just not sure what to grow with it.

Me either - though i saw a website where they were growing trays of seaweed and it was prospering. I think I mainly need some help understanding the differences in water chemistry between salt & fresh and how it works. There will always be plants that work....somehow,lol....but I'm convinced (from what I understand of them) that a protien skimmer is not needed. I'm not certain about how the nitrates work in the system though, taken up the same way as in fresh systems? there a component of anaerobic activity going on in salt tanks that is needed? 

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