Aquaponic Gardening

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Does any one have experience in using ibc containers previously used for  chemical industry.

I have access to a large number of these and  need  some advice on how to remediate them  for use in a high school aquaculture program,if its possible.When I have gotten food grade in the past i just fill with water, add some nutrients and wait till inside is covered with algae.Im not sure what these have been used for yet,jut that there are a lot of them and they are free.


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It is hard to know until you get the MSDS sheets for the previous contents.
Scott we used to clean chemical containers in the military for reuse in nuclear work. It was very low tech. We would clean with soap and water. Then fill with clean water and alot of bleach and let sit for a week or so. Plastic is pourous. Then drain rinse and fill with clean water and sit in the sun. When algae grew we knew they were clean. We pressure washed them and used them for everthing Including drinking water.
Hi Scott.  We used household ammonia to neutralize ours.  I received that tip from an agricultural spray pilot.  I was able to procure my shuttle tanks from the coop and we found some that had a low and slow type of nitrogen fertilizer in them.  I will say that I do not have my tanks set yet (waiting on warmer weather to pour a foundation for my ag program greenhouse).

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