Aquaponic Gardening

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I'm planning my system now and I'm trying to pick fish.  I'm planning on a 250 gal drain and flood system, but I'm not stuck on that.  My priority is fish as food. I live in Pensacola, FL.  I plan on putting the system inside.  I'm asking for recommendations on difficutly, cost, taste and any other recommendations.  I've read Tilipia is illegal in FL, I have to check that to be sure.  I'm wondering also about shell fish such as mussels, clams and shrimp.  Also, I've read that I should have a 250 gal tank or more to raise plate size fish. 


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The bigger  the tank the better all around.  Species of fish is wide open for you, Tilapia will do well, but flavor is 'light', some say almost tasteless, with your climate you have an excellent list to choose from. Myself I prefer the taste of Blue Gills and Yelow Perch over Tilapia. Shell fish are more difficult in a smaller system, and production is lower with water quality far more demanding. Crayfish are the most practical for small systems.  Unless you are thinking in terms of producing for aquariums. I'd stay with fish , either for table, or ornamentals. You have a lot o possibilities for both.

Tilapia are not illegal in Fl. 

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