Aquaponic Gardening

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I am around 4 months into my Aquaponics project.  Reading this AM were as follows:

Temp 80

Ammonia 0.50 PPM

Nitrate  0

Nitrite  0

PH 6.0

I added a grow light to my green house about 4 weeks ago and my plants are growing very well now.  I should be producing blooms but none of the plants are.  Any advice would be helpful! 

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pH up, you might want to slowly (you should really only move the pH about one or two tenths of a pH point per day) raise the pH up to perhaps 6.8 and then use 6.4 or 6.5 as your take action level.  As in adjust it up to 6.8 and then leave it alone until if falls to about 6.4 before you take action again.

How high is the protein %.  Small tilapia fingerlings would be happy to be eating 40% protein or higher fish feed.  36% protein is what the Aquamax 4000 is that I usually use for grow out once fish are beyond the fingerling stage.  Or there is the new organic feed available from The aquaponic Source.

Bright Light, system maturity and enough potassium are my normal recommendations for blooming/fruiting.


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