Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Lets discuss all or our concerns, process, research and solutions for Organics.  I know many of us want to practice the three Rs. Reduce Reuse and Recycle.  We have concerns about the ethics and risks of using petrochemical derived products. Rafts, Liners and other plastics.  Lets look for some viable Appropriate technology replacements that we know are better for the planet. 
What about additives, nutrients and stuff we put in our tanks. 
Feed and where it comes from. 
Packaging material for produce delivery. 

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Organic Raft testing. I have some small samples and I am preparing a request to add some other testers. I recommend that you have a testing system. I should have these in my test system within 2 weeks. These products have not been tested in Aquaponics. I plan to paint a few with Latex paint as they have done at Friendly's.
There rafts are in a certified organic system.
see post
You should always try to have a way to test new methods and materials so it won't impact your main production system. Please let me know if you can do this and I will include you in my request.
Thanks Cosmo.
Mr. Cosmo,

I will have two new 4'x6' x 8" DWC bed set up as soon as you are ready.

God bless
Sounds good.

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