Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I started messing around with tilapia 2006-2010

2010 - the end of july i had to take  my system down

i am currently trying to get a piece of property to set up a scaled system.

basickly i dont have a system that is running

but i want to share my last 4 years with aquaponics

with members.......


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Reading about the growth rate compared to soil based growing of plants I proved to myself in practice...

see with my eyes
This was sweet corn test in soil/outside, watered every day, and then in my system...hardly/no maintenance.

the soil was sandy and i did not fertilize at all

top 20 mm of soil was natural composted ...forest floor

50% per sun summer / inside the tunnel 80% sun summer

Inside the tunnel in the background


2009 i planted sweet corn again and again they grew well.....

worth growing even if you grow for your family

Making vermi tea was something else I tried....

not to the book but followed my thinking...less work but maybe.....
Using 20 litre bucket and 3 or 4 litres of worm castings aerating them good over night

and adding to my grow trays and using as spray on my plants.
this and iron was all i needed to get these plant back....

these are the type of things, challenges with aquaponics that draws me ...i am stuck in this web

Again this was something I read about but after seeing my result's and

improvement of my plants it is clear to me this way of making tea, my slapdash way... worked....
This was barley at its worst in my system......
From looking like this

and then my bubbling tea...when i used as spray i used to stand for 15 minutes and then scoop of top and spray plants...never bothered thinning down...did no harm...I was using 2 of my airration stones from my dam to airrate the water over night


These are photos taken over a few days 31/3




I see only health in all your pictures.Using the worms to keep everything in the loop is a great idea and fits in smoothly with the AP system.


These spinach plants grew well in my system for more than a year








they were moved a few times in this year and still did well 















29/8/2010 and finaly i took them out because i took my system down



this was basil in my system





Oktober 2009 after the wind finally won the battle...I was ready to pack up...
The travelling up and down every day ......water restrictions...
So what was planted in my system I left and I left the system to run itself without any care to the plants...?
Use to feed the fish and and checked ph.....
This carried on until in January 2010 and for the first time I bought seedlings for my system.
I was getting worried about the fish and so for the fish I had to plant something that could work at the water quality.
I bought four trays of seedlings 12 off cabbages and 12 celery seedlings for my system.
This was smack in the middle of summer and this was how those plants grew...
The cabbage...did not do well but the celery amazed me...












13/6/2010 i had to take out... I started haveing problems with my water flow.

With the growth results of the celery I started planting celery and cabbage seeds to replace these plants taken out.
My cabbage did not do well before and I see some of the photos posted...beautiful cabbages...why were my cabbages not doing I wanted to try growing them again.
The celery ...well my previous crop of celery told me...
They grew well and no maintenance...very little...and I had changed my mind to try and keep the system running a while longer.
Totally roped back into this form of growing food......





These were also my last plants I grew in my system....took my system down 2010 July ...
Never grew through their cycle but did well up to D day....

planted out and spaced


this was the gabbage


The dam empty and my centre valve...



the net hanging over



these were the only under gruond pipes in my system



tap to grow trays ...and before tap the split in pipes to a maintanance entry



all the pipes to duckweed sump



the pipes to grow trays



my grow trays



all my grow trays together



my duckweed sump before roled up


ready to go...

                                                                       cheap...and easy

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