Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I was wondering if there are any Ideas how to balance my system without any expensive tests. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to afford a test kit. Maybe it's not possible but I thought maybe someone has had success with something that I could glean from. I started my system with goldfish as I have always had success with them living long in just a bowl that we keep clean. Well why would they all die when the plants are helping me? Too many? - I've never had so many (15 or less) but I've also not had a 55 gallon aquarium either. I've had little one to two gallon bowls before. All of my fish died.

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How extremely nice of you.  I like this community already and I have just joined.  From what I have read, you guys seem like a nice group of funny people, LOL.  Good funny though.

Sylvia Bernstein said:
I'll tell you what, Adam.  Someone made a donation of $25 to this community site yesterday.  I think that was probably to fund a test kit for you!  Please send me your address and we will get it in the mail to you this weekend.
Yeah for Sylvia! What a beautiful gesture..makes me proud to be a member.

Sylvia Bernstein said:
I'll tell you what, Adam.  Someone made a donation of $25 to this community site yesterday.  I think that was probably to fund a test kit for you!  Please send me your address and we will get it in the mail to you this weekend.
Likewise :-)

Michelle Silva said:
Yeah for Sylvia! What a beautiful gesture..makes me proud to be a member.

Sylvia Bernstein said:
I'll tell you what, Adam.  Someone made a donation of $25 to this community site yesterday.  I think that was probably to fund a test kit for you!  Please send me your address and we will get it in the mail to you this weekend.

What a great thing to do Sylvia!

I don't know what to say. This IS a great community and Sylvia, I see yet another thing that makes you an exceptional person. Thank you!
No worries, Adam.  Like I said someone donated $25 to this community earlier in the week, and we have the community fees paid up for a while from other donations so this seems like a perfect use of that money.  Thanks for the kind works, though, to you and everyone else.  We are all about spreading the good news about aquaponics in whatever form that takes!

christopher john muns said:
very nice indeed. I don't yet have a test kit either. I  did start with very few fish,and slowly added more. slowly added plants. and have a good bio- filter going. overfeeding could be a problem. they really don't need much at all. they eat the algea off the sides of your tank as well. If possible get the most important tests. ammonia and ph. good luck.
What an awesome community.  I'm building my first system now, but I get the feeling that I'm going to make some new friends on this site as I start my new hobby (and not just virtual ones, although they are valued as well).  I fully expect to meet several of you in person in the years ahead.
Glad to have you here, Moses!

Moses Gonzales said:
What an awesome community.  I'm building my first system now, but I get the feeling that I'm going to make some new friends on this site as I start my new hobby (and not just virtual ones, although they are valued as well).  I fully expect to meet several of you in person in the years ahead.
yes - I actually found someone on here from about 45 minutes away that I had met I think last May (or the May before) at a "Chicken Swap" I now know we have more in common than just coturnix quail!

Thanks Sylvia!



Although I'm not raising any at the moment, I have raised  coturnix quail as well!

Adam Shivers said:

yes - I actually found someone on here from about 45 minutes away that I had met I think last May (or the May before) at a "Chicken Swap" I now know we have more in common than just coturnix quail!
I suppose the link between the quail and aquaponics would be sustainability. however it is very interesting because I wasn't prompted by anyone else to do either (other than separate influences online) and including you and I, There are atleast 4 people on here involved (or have been) with both. This is all without searching specifically. Just interesting I suppose!

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