Aquaponic Gardening

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After I read the post "is it possible to over cycle your system"the advice was to start over and use bleach  when algae appeared.I dumped my placo,the algae eater,from my indoor fish tank and added more cover to my out side tank.Is it to little to late?Being a small system,I really hate the thought of the step backwards.

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that's good news at least.will have to look into worms in grow bed,I use pea gravel.

Randall Wimbish said:

Well i guess it does. Let the Placo eat, Brush off the algea. Let it go into the growbed. and let the worms eat it.

Yeah, that was really poor advice in the "over-cycle" thread, Aubrey. I'm sorry to have not caught and corrected that sooner. Please don't use bleach. Don't worry about the algae, follow Randall's advice above. 

Thanks Jon,I added more shade,cut back on feedings,and the algae eater seems have made a little headway.I can see the bottom again,along with its trails.Will invest in a few more to keep things under control.

Jon Parr said:

Yeah, that was really poor advice in the "over-cycle" thread, Aubrey. I'm sorry to have not caught and corrected that sooner. Please don't use bleach. Don't worry about the algae, follow Randall's advice above. 

I concur. Using bleach would be the equivalent of dropping a nuclear bomb on your system. I'm exceedingly hapoy you didn't do that. My heart skipped a beat when I read your post lol :)

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