Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners


I wanted to show off a few examples of Hunan winged beans that I've recently harvested from my system.  These things are huge!  The ones in the photo are about 6-7inches long but I did pick some that were pushing the 10 inch mark.  They taste good in a stir fry but they were a bit tough and fibrous.  Evidently they taste better around the 4 inch mark.  The young shoots and flowers are also edible and have a really nice nutty sweetness to them.  I highly recommend this plant, especially in the summer months.  It's done really well for me here in the Florida Keys, although it does need a lot of room.

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Thanks for all the info on the mites.  I wish I'd have read it sooner, as Ive already pulled the plants.  I've actually never dealt with them in the past but live and learn I guess...

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