Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hi all, I am somewhat new to aquaponics. I have done aquariums in the past and wanted a water feature outside under my patio, I watched a few clips on water features then stumbled on to a Koi pond, I then watched about one hundred koi pond clips on you tube. Then I stumbled onto aquaponics. So now I have two IBCs cut back with a good system going on, it’s a split system with two 300ltr grow beds and a 700tr sump tank plus a 650ltr fish tank, plus I added a filter after watching the koi pond clips, I am raising Silver Perch and Barramundi, atm the Barramundi are indoors as its winter here,

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Welcome to the forum David. Sounds like you're well on your way. There's a fellow in your part of the world that raises the same fish as you. Check him out on YouTube :  RobBobs Backyard Farming    Careful, I found myself trying to do all the stuff he does. He actually answers your comments.

Thanks Jeff, I have seen most of his clips already, that’s where I got the idea to add a filter after watching his clip on cleaning his grow beds! Last weekend I cleaned my sump tank with a broom to cut back on the algae a bit. So the nutrients can get to the plants better. I had to clean the filter twice this week instead of once every three months. Going to clean the fish tank down this weekend, while its still winter here.

First off spring here and these boys are going outside soon as it warms up a bit more.

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