Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

hey friends, I am brand new to this forum but a 2 year veteran of backyard aqua gardening. I currently have 16 tilapia in a 110 gal. stock tank, 12 gal. swirl filter and a 25-30 gal. sump tank with 2 pumps feeding a 65 gal. ebb and flow growbed (hydroton stones) and 3 verticals all emptying into growbed. we have successfully grown greens, okra, strawberries, mint and even live oak. I also dabble with hdro nfts growing berries and greens. I look very forward to being a part of this forum. thank you, capt.dan

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Greetings Dan! I live in the Keys and have a similar setup though my tank is 300 gallons and I have 25 tilapia. I am using two towers but have them drain into the sump. How does draining them into the grow beds work for you? I put a small pump into the sump, run it through the towers and then back into the sump. The plants do really well. 

Thanks Michael, we built the verticals as an addition to bio filter and hopes of growing some great strawberries again. They simply hang over one end of the grow bed and continuously drain into the 'ebb and flow' system of the grow bed. Water is pumped from the main sump tank up to the top of the verts. We grew chili peppers and parsley at first and just cleaned them up and planted strawberries with fingers crossed.

Nice. I should try it that way. I bought my towers because I'm just not a DIY kind of guy. 

They were actually a pain in the arse to construct but a very cool and effective design. I'm a DIY guy but I know my limits. I tried building my own NFTs that worked for awhile but could not stop the damn leaking from time to time and decided to bite the bullet and buy the real move I ever made with that system. I will be posting some good pics as soon as I figure out how to download from my phone.

Hi Dan,

would like 2 get in touch w/U, as a relative lives reasonably close 2 u  & is interested in taking

aquaponics workshop soon.   how can we get in touch, am on facebook & LinkedIn, if that helps.


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