Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hey all,

There are so many wonderful people on this site. Got someone you appreciate on this forum? Post your thanks in the discussion below. Let's take some time and give a shout out to the people you respect and admire, have learned or benefited from, or are just happy to have in this community!

Shout out to Vlad Jovanovic and Jon Parr: Thank you for all the infinite wisdom you bring to this site; every comment and discussion posted by you is greatly appreciated. You are a blessing to this community!

Tamra Fakhoorian: For being the knowledgeable person I can go to for all of my questions about duckweed!

Sylvia Bernstein: Thanks for all you do for us aquapons and for watching over us and protecting us from all the spammers that would seek to do us harm :)

And the aquaponics community at large: For being a place where a guy like me can go and feel a little less abnormal!

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Alex you are so correct.  Everyone here contributes is some form or another.  I have gotten many ideas from people just starting out and ideas from the old timers.  We all feed each other!


Hi Alex,

Great topic! So I'm going to shout out all the people on this site, since I've been here, as they've all helped me in one way or another, that's including you Alex and Bob. The good thing is that i still keep learning as time goes on...........

Thank you for starting this, Alex! I love it.  There are so many amazing people who contribute so much to this site that it is hard to know were to start.  But I"ll start with all of those who have volunteered to be moderators...including yourself!  You, and all the active members of this site are who make it was it really is.  Shout outs from the top of the Colorado Rockies to all of you 

Yeah, I wouldn't even know where to begin. There are so many wonderful people here that I've learned so many different things from, both directly related to AP, and not so directly related to AP. Even AP "newbies" who might not be so well versed in rearing plants, or fish, or bacteria often have loads of good stuff to say about, electrical wiring, heating, plumbing, marketing, automation, greenhouse design, dealing with pest, where to buy certain stuff for cheap etc...

Thanks for the shout out Alex, and of coarse thanks to Sylvia for giving all of us the platform around which to base this wonderful and diverse community of individuals.

I want to thank a member, Nick Scud, for all of his advice in getting my system built.  I am a complete newbee and Nick took his valuable time to explain, in great detail, some of the things I should consider in building my IBC system.  I started cycling this week, so I will try to be patient (not one of my stronger assets).  I also greatly appreciate the postings by Vlad and Sylvia.  Your wisdom does not fall on deaf ears.  Thank you all.

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