Aquaponic Gardening

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The University of Wisconsin offers a nice online extension course on Fish Health.  It's aimed at "producers" (ie those who raise fish).  Most folks in aquaponics (including myself) are probably on a smaller scale than their primary target audience, but I found it useful and informative nonetheless, and the folks behind the course are interested in having aquaponics folks take advantage of this resource.  If you take a painless pre-course survey, the course is free.  Can't beat that!

The course consists of a series of 6 short videos.  Emphasis is on prevention.  Topics include risk management and biosecurity, water quality, preparing for fish health inspections, understanding veterinary health assessments, and case studies.  You take a quiz after each video to get access to the next.  The whole set of videos and quizzes is short enough that you could complete the whole package on the same day, or you can take your time and space them out. 

Course is by Dr. Chris Hartleb, PhD, co-director of the Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility at UW-Stevens Point (and one of the instructors in the aquaponics extension course UWSP offers with Nelson and Pade), and Dr. Myron Kebus, MS, DVM.  State Fish Health Veterinarian with the State of Wisconsin.  See  They also offer a separate course for fish veterinarians.  

(only glitch is that some of the videos have an editing problem that causes the video to stop repeatedly.  You just have to hit the play button to resume.  They're working on correcting the problem)

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Yeah good stuff, thanks a lot!

Thanks Paul...good find

, and the folks behind the course are interested in having aquaponics folks take advantage of this resource.  If you take a painless pre-course survey, the course is free.

I was not able to find the pre-course survey.  Can you post that link or directions to it?. 



Sure.  It looks like you can either set up an account at that site first or take the survey first.  I set up an account first, then took the survey, and it recognized that I had taken the survey and allowed me to register for the course for free.  Since I haven’t tried it the other way around (taking the survey first, then setting up your account), I can’t vouch that the system will recognize that you already took the survey if you do it that way. 


To set up your account first, then take the survey, as I did:


Go to


Click on “Sign up” or “Sign Up Now!” link in the red column on the left side of the page.  (They are equivalent).


After you follow the instructions to create a log-in, click on “Courses”, then “Fish Health Courses for Producers and Veterinarians”, then “Fish Producer Courses”, then “1052 – Complete Fish Health for Producers Program (6 courses).”  (There are options to select each course one at a time, but why not just go for the whole package all at once?)


Finally, click on “Fish Health for Producers PRE-SURVEY”.  At the end of the survey, you get a code.  Use that code when you register for the class and you will not have to pay a fee.






Bob Campbell said:

, and the folks behind the course are interested in having aquaponics folks take advantage of this resource.  If you take a painless pre-course survey, the course is free.

I was not able to find the pre-course survey.  Can you post that link or directions to it?. 

That's the key!  If you click on anything but the whole course the survey is not offered.

Paul Trudeau said:

 then “Fish Producer Courses”, then “1052 – Complete Fish Health for Producers Program (6 courses).”  (There are options to select each course one at a time, but why not just go for the whole package all at once?)


good catch Bob.  I went ahead and reported that to Dr. Hartleb.

Bob Campbell said:

That's the key!  If you click on anything but the whole course the survey is not offered.

Paul Trudeau said:

 then “Fish Producer Courses”, then “1052 – Complete Fish Health for Producers Program (6 courses).”  (There are options to select each course one at a time, but why not just go for the whole package all at once?)


I was bored after the first two lessons, but today I completed number three and want to go back and watch it again.

Really good information in this lesson.

Thanks again for sharing this!

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