Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I am thinking hard about making a fish run to Florida Fish Farm very soon. You can get bream or catfish fingerling for about 0.30cents each. The gas to get them cost more then the fish.

Is anyone in the Gainesville area interested in fish and helping in the cost of the Gas?

They sell Koi, Bass, bream and catfish

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Just keep me posted of what you find out.  Will probably make our own run later in the week if you don't go on the 13th or 14th.


I have to go out of town the 13th and 14th so it won't be those days. Darn day job

TCLynx said:

Just keep me posted of what you find out.  Will probably make our own run later in the week if you don't go on the 13th or 14th.


Yeah, I know what you mean.

Dan Ponton said:

Darn day job


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