Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Aloha Everyone,


Glad to be here. I'm from Hawaii and have been doing AP for about 4 years now. I just created a Facebook page with an idea I've had for a while. Here's the description from off the page. I dont know anything about Facebook but I know AP. My little LAUAE system works and I hope it can do some good in this world.




From site


Aloha Everyone in the World,
This is the LAUAE Aquaponic system.
U.nited in ...
A.cceptance of
Aloha -is a hawaiian word that comes closest to being described as 'an all incompassing love'.
Aquaponics- is a system of farming that combines aquaculture and hydroponics.
The LAUAE Aquaponic system is a simple idea using a simple recycled container (55 gallon poly barrel) to solve some simple problems: starvation, political apathy, disconnect of community, food security and awareness (health).
The idea is to have those around the world with existing aquaponic (AP)systems build this little simple AP system. Then they can build and sell them for income for themselves. They can also teach others in their community how to build them (charge/free of charge). But hopefuly they will give back, as I have with this, and build and give systems to those in real need.
These pioneering individuals will become the hub of a network of aquaponic farmers who will teach their family, friends, and neighbors to build and grow their own food and their communities.
When you become aware of what goes into your food you begin to heal yourself.
When you become aware of what it takes to build a community you begin to heal that community.
Please copy this simple idea. Let everyone know and especially tell them what it stands for. Because without all of us Living Aloha we can never be United in our Acceptance of Everyone.

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I admire and respect your motivations.. but sorry...


While a nice little implementation of aquaponics, and good use of recycled materials...


The unit will hardly make a lettuce sandwich for a family lunch each day.... or a feed of fish for one person... once a month...


It wont end starvation or political apathy... and it wont earn any income...

Seems like a neat introduction/initiation system to me ... Could not do any harm but help spread interest in AP anyway ...

Congrats and thumbs up for the good vibes ;)

FYI, you can post the pictures directly into the posts by using the button at the top of the post box second from the Left next to the link button, instead of making people click away to the attachments.

What's with the metal bolts through the grow bed?  Is that Stainless Steel?  Other metals are bad for fish.

I agree it is a nice little intro system for a location that has very stable temperatures in a comfortable range for fish (I'm afraid if I were to put that outdoors with fish in it here, they would be cooked fish in summer and in winter the water temps would probably swing too wide for fish comfort/health.

By spreading interest in growing one's own food that may help things.  But I'm gonna agree with Rupe,

In and of itself, building those little barrel systems is not likely to solve the problems on it's own and is not likely to earn you an income unless you are getting all the parts/materials delivered to you for free and you don't have to spend any money to sell them (not having to pay market rent or pay for any advertizing or other business expenses.)

First off let me say that all of this came about in a 5 minute idea. I had the system design already and the idea popped into my head to share it instead of be another greedy a$$. This system is meant to educate not feed an entire family. To familiarize potential new members and potential AP customers to the practice of Aquaponics.


Rupert- I was being sarcastic about solving all those problems. Guess I should go back and rewrite that stuff. It all happened so fast.

As for the amount of fish I've kept (10) 1 lb tilapia in one of these. I don't eat more than that many fish in a week. So like a farmer's market people would need to visit you once a week or twice a month for fish.

As far as the produce this is meant to be a vertical system focusing on vining/supported fruiting veg. I've added trellis' to the system. Concrete wire (6" spacing) and wood have been used to build them. People need to be innovative. One person I buit a system for lives in a high rise in Waikiki and has his entire balcony trellised and roped.

As for profit this is not about profit. Its about supplementing income and expanding awareness with a simple effective design. Anyone else with a system that takes up only 4 sq. ft. and is absolutely bulletproof (not literaly just durable) I'd love to see it so I can change my design to be more efficient.



Thanks for the pic info. I have no idea how to use this site.


The metal bolts are what I had lying around. They are from solar installations and are stainless. Also the water never touches them so they're fine. When anyone builds one of these I'd recommend stainless bolts, nuts, washers. Also mount them as close to the top as you can.

So where you come from no one has poly barrel AP systems? Too bad. Everyone I know who starts out in AP starts with those barrels. Unfortunately they always cut it vertically which results in a shape that is difficult to support.


I've been doing aquaponics for a while now and I know that there are thousands of AP'ers with fish and plants but no way of contacting potential customers.I've been there for years. I have a simple design that costs less than $20 to build if you can get the barrel for free. I can't think of everything.  To be perfectly honest people need to be innovative.

Setup a farm tour of your place on Craigslist. Hand out fliers. Tell people you'll teach them about Ap and how to build a small Aquaponic system to hold fresh fish right at their home. You charge for the tour and the lesson. Then you charge for the fish and vegetables that your new clients need. This is about freshness and food security. But more important this is about building relationships. Farm to table, Locavore, etc. This is not about getting rich. It is about solving problems with simple solutions.

If you have a large aquaponic system and you would like to supplement your expenses this is a way to do it. If you can help to feed your neighbors then that's what it's all about.

I hope this doesn't come across negative it's not meant to be. It's just so plainly a good idea in my mind but I am biased.

Mahalo to Rupert and TCLynx for their questions. It helped me write a better description of what this idea is:

Aloha Everyone in the World,

This is the LAUAE Aquaponic system.
U.nited in
A.cceptance of

Aloha -is a hawaiian word that comes closest to being described as 'an all incompassing love'.
Aquaponics- is a system of farming that combines aquaculture and hydroponics.

The LAUAE Aquaponic system is a simple idea using a simple recycled container (55 gallon poly barrel) to address some complicated problems:
starvation, political apathy, disconnect of community, food security and awareness (health).
The solution to these problems is always the same. We need to come together as a community on a local, national, and global level. I hope this idea helps in bringing us one step closer.

The idea is to have those around the world with existing aquaponic (AP) systems build this simple Aquaponic system. Then they can build and sell them for supplemental income for themselves. They can also teach others in their community how to build them (charge/free of charge). But hopefully, in time, they will give back and build and give these systems to those in real need.

These pioneering individuals will become the hub of a network of aquaponic farmers who will teach their family, friends, and neighbors to build and grow their own food and, in turn, to build up their communities.

When you become aware of what goes into your food you begin to heal yourself. When you become aware of what it takes to build a community you begin to heal that community.

Please copy this simple idea. Let everyone know and especially tell them what it stands for. Because without all of us Living Aloha we can never be United in our Acceptance of Everyone.

The system:

The LAUAE Aquaponic system is meant to educate people in the principles of Aquaponics. Ask anyone involved in AP an they'll tell you. You start a small AP system and the next thing you know you don't have a backyard anymore. Now you have a sustainable urban farm. Where you feed your family and friends from and teach anyone willing to listen (and some who aren't) about the importance of food awareness.

The LAUAE Aquaponic system is meant to supplement your family's diet with fresh organic produce right from your home. I do have designs for connecting multipe barrels to build a bigger system but I have to build them and test them to get the kinks out first. But once I do I'll post them here free of charge.

I've kept (10) 1 lb tilapia in one of these. I don't eat more than that many fish in a week. But I wouldn't recommend keeping more than (6) in each system. So like a farmer's market people would need to visit their 'AP Hub' once a week or twice a month for fish.

As far as the produce this is meant to be a vertical system focusing on vining/supported fruiting veg. I've added trellis' to the system. Concrete wire (6" spacing) and wood have been used to build them. People need to be innovative. One person I buit a system for lives in a high rise in Waikiki and has his entire balcony trellised and roped.

As for profit this is not about profit. It is about supplementing your income/expenses and expanding food awareness and community with a simple effective design. This AP system only takes up 4 sq. ft. and is absolutely bulletproof (not literally just extremely durable).

I've been doing aquaponics for a while now and I know that there are thousands of AP'ers with fish and plants but no way of contacting potential customers. I've been there for years.

I have a simple design that costs less than $20 to build if you can get the barrel for free (plus pump +timer/autosiphon) .

Unfortunately I can't think of everything. To be perfectly honest people need to be innovative.

Setup a farm tour of your place on Craigslist. Hand out fliers locally and at farmer's markets or local events. Tell people about Aquaponics. Offer to teach them about AP and how they can build a small Aquaponic system to hold fresh fish right at their home. You can charge for the tour and the lesson. I'd offer them for free to build up a client base. Give back to these people and they'll give back to you by supporting your urban farm. That way you can start a CSA (community supported ag) and charge for the fish and vegetables that your new friend's need.

This is about freshness and food security + awareness. But more important this is about building relationships. All the popular food trends (Farm to table, Locavore, etc.) all focus on the need to build relationships between those with good healthy food and those who are looking for that. This is not about getting rich. It is about addressing complicated problems with simple solutions.

If you have a large aquaponic system and you would like to supplement your expenses this is a way to do it. Become an Aquaponic Hub in your neighborhood. There's no group to join just a simple idea. Build something, teach others, make connections, and help one another. It doesn't have to be complicated or approved.

If you can help to educate and feed your neighbors then that's what it's all about. Building communities through Aloha

hay Lawrence,

But what are the bolts for?  What are they doing?

I had originally thought this was a single barrel with the top 1/3 rd cut off and flipped over on top of the bottom 2/3rds?  but maybe it is a barrel with the top cut off and the top 1/3rd of another barrel stuck inside and bolted?


Many people around here will build using poly barrels.  My first system was a barrel ponics system.  However, our temperatures through much of our year either gets too hot or too cold so for an outdoor unprotected system I generally recommend a 300 gallon fish tank.

You are saying you grow and hold 10 plate size tilapia in a tank that has to have less than 30 gallons of water (seeing as the hole in the side of the tank is at the 30 gallon line) and with only about 10-15 gallons of filtration?  Eeek lucky they are tilapia!!!!  Forgive me, I grow catfish and I usually like to have about 10 gallons of fish tank for each fish I grow out and about 20 gallons of grow bed.

Anyway, I give plenty of garden tours and I've even taken the aquaponics to market to spread the word and try to get more people interested in the idea.  I'm even offering to deliver a 5' long row of grown out garden to people's houses but most of em can't be bothered to step out the door and pick fresh food when they can get chemically laden cheap food from wall mart while they are out shopping for all the other cheap imported stuff.

Lawrence Lucero said:

I've kept (10) 1 lb tilapia in one of these.


I've seen a commercial application with those sorts of densities...


Lawrence Lucero said:

Anyone else with a system that takes up only 4 sq. ft. and is absolutely bulletproof (not literaly just durable) I'd love to see it so I can change my design to be more efficient.


 One of the above links includes an implementation of Travis Hugheys "Barrelponics" system... plans available for download... free...


And I could show you lots of other "poly" systems that have about the same footprint... including some commercial offerings here in Australia...

But my catfish still can't swim in a 4 square foot system!  At least not once they get to what I think of as eating size!!!!!


It's been a long time since I've been on any AP forums and now I remember why.

Aloha to Rupert and TCLynx.

Seems people's egos are too enormous no matter what side of the globe they are on and I guess girl's gotta lift their leg too.  (sorry Im half spanish)

I was just trying to spread some aloha through a good idea. I haven't been on in a while and I hadn't seen all those barrel systems. I came up with mine, all by myself, about 6 months ago. Straight up the idea is sound. It works. Too bad for two short sighted individuals who are in this for the money. Typical, gotta spoil it for everyone else.

I find it amazing that someone who is going to speak at an aquaponics conference refers to potential customers as 'too dumb' to buy anything but chemically laden food. If thats the case why are you involved in AP TCLynx?

Also maybe you should read what I actually wrote, Rupe, and then you would see that this system is for people who want a small amount of fresh fish, not catfishes and hammers, and for them to build a relationship with more experienced AP'ers.

The idea is logical. Your questions were taken into consideration and I rewrote the description which neither of you obviously read. Thats okay. This is typical of what is wrong with the world. A good idea comes along and the old guard has to destroy it.

Aloha from Nanakuli





Where's mom?

I think we need some sensitivity training for "the old guard" LOL

He needs to go hang out on the Aussie forums for a while... has been distracted lately.  Let's keep the tone in here friendly and respectful, please.  New ideas should be encouraged and can be evaluated in a way that is kind and thoughtful, and that evaluation should be take in the constructive spirit that it is hopefully meant.  Thanks, guys.

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