Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Does anyone know if there are actual job opportunities in commerical aquaponics?  And if so, where? I have been running a small, backyard aquaponic system in Ann Arbor, Michigan, primarily for home food production for the past 1.5 years.  Now I'd like to work in the larger scale aquaponics systems. 

I have done some volunteer work building gardens for Detroit's Food Justice Program during the 2010 US Social Forum in Detroit.  I am currently consulting with Detroit's Food Security Network.

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I don't know if there would be any opportunities close to home for you (other than the opportunities you might create) There was some one looking for a large scale system manager of some sort but it was in another country.
Now that I've got my system up and running, I'd like to put to use some of the many Turkey barns in my area that are setting empty. They would be great for AP they already have feeders that could be converted. I'm in Colorado so I could set them up solar powered for the winter and would only need lighting during the winter also. I've already designed dirt, and pond liner raceways, along with solar furnaces made from pop cans to reduce costs.I think I could get off the ground with this at a minimal setup cost starting in the spring, and harvesting one crop to help pay for winter setup.
Would the plants be outside in summer? How would you only need lighting in winter? Are these barns actually greenhouses?

dano said:
Now that I've got my system up and running, I'd like to put to use some of the many Turkey barns in my area that are setting empty. They would be great for AP they already have feeders that could be converted. I'm in Colorado so I could set them up solar powered for the winter and would only need lighting during the winter also. I've already designed dirt, and pond liner raceways, along with solar furnaces made from pop cans to reduce costs.I think I could get off the ground with this at a minimal setup cost starting in the spring, and harvesting one crop to help pay for winter setup.
The sides of the buildings are removable, they fold up etc. Nafta put most all of the turkey and chicken ranchers out of business 6 to 8 years ago, and these buildings have been sitting empty. I'll get some pics of one tomorrow and post them. This is probably the cheapest real estate available anywhere.
I did want to add that I don't want to buy any real estate right now, I was thinking along the lines of renting or leasing the buildings to help the ranchers out with mortgage payments, taxes, and such. I also have been talking to some of the people in the gulf states devastated by the oil spill about maybe using AP down there or even relocating here to start over. Maybe I could help a few people out just educating them about AP. After all when it comes to knowledge of seafood who could be better than gulf fishermen, and women.
Let's also try to get the Jobs board on the tab above going. ErnieJ, I pilfered your website listing and added it to the description - hope you don't mind ;-). Laura, would you post some info about what you are looking for there? Besides members here we have a lot of lurkers who may just be able to steer you to something great.

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