Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

This is the place for comments on and any discussion of the "Rules of Thumb" document on the home page.

I can't promise that I'll make suggested changes - this has been through some strong vetting already - but I'm certainly open to hearing your thoughts and suggestions...or maybe just sharing that you find it useful!

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So when the siphon is fixed, cycle and add plants then I am good?

I am going to rebuild my siphon I think I have the issue fixed, can I put rubber washers in the tank to help seal?

Or is silicone better?  The tote goes between the two rubber washers, with the steel washer under the bottom rubber washer.

Zach said:

I am going to rebuild my siphon I think I have the issue fixed, can I put rubber washers in the tank to help seal?

Or is silicone better?  The tote goes between the two rubber washers, with the steel washer under the bottom rubber washer.

is a swirl tank needed? or will it reduce the bacteria your trying to get started?

I am looking to use a 50 gallon patio tote as my fish tank, and need to figure out what size bed I could use.

Sylvia what am I doing wrong?
Started a few weeks ago and made some changes, bought too many fish to start but did that knowing I would loose some. was down to one, bought 3 more as I also enlarged my system bed a little.

Started in my 8 foot by 10 foot GH in Southern ontario with a 10 gallon fish tank with a 8 inch by 14 inch bed of gravel ( after the vinegar test was done) had siphon issues but so does everyone else.

Still using the 10 gallon fish tank but have a 16 inch by 22 inch bed by 7 inches high and plants as well as seeds scatered. I was getting solids so filtered them out for a while, then realized I need some solids to get bacteria started. I use goldfish and no other filter or air in system.

Its been 6 days with system bed change...plants are not falling over but not no changes either, lost another fish today. i have not been testing the water, did a PH test with a soil tester not sure if that comes out the same was 7.0

I am planning a 50 gallon sysetm in the spring but if this does not have all the bugs out then a larger system will have same issues.....reading your book now trying to find out why its so slow to get going, and why I am still loosing fish. After the first set up was going a week I could see the daily changes in the plants growing not at all.

New-bee in need of help

check your PH (properly) and raise it if low - you might want to get an API test kit so that you can determine if your system has cycled.

give it a few months

Niagara college aquaponic system............they just got it up and going.

George I have yet to get a kit........soon

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