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im not sure who Matt was talking about following?


am i wrong -  or is it possible that things here got deleted?

Benhehle, anyone can delete their own comments in a forum thread in this site any time they want, and I can also delete comments as admin.  I only do that very rarely .... and not in this thread.  I hope that answers your question.

Rob, as soon as Murray chimed in, the conversation stopped cold.  That was all.  It was you had to be here kind of joke.

Dang I'm sorry I missed the video.  It's what happens when going off and working a job with 20 hour days.

Thanks to a buddy, I was able to check out the video a bit ago.  I liked the honesty and candidness of the whole thing.

I will appreciatte if somebody got a private copy of the video and will send it by email, i promise not to distribute it or make public, but i am beginning my setup and planning to go commercial in the future, every ounce of good info about it is appreciated.
Kellen Weissenbach said:

Thanks to a buddy, I was able to check out the video a bit ago.  I liked the honesty and candidness of the whole thing.

I can't believe this caused such an uproar. He's a good guy and was being candid, this going to be gone over for the next 5 yrs? The mystery Wilson tape? Let's move the industry forward, not try and single out Wilson who has been trying to get this moving for a decade. 

Luis Arteaga said:

I will appreciatte if somebody got a private copy of the video and will send it by email, i promise not to distribute it or make public, but i am beginning my setup and planning to go commercial in the future, every ounce of good info about it is appreciated.
Kellen Weissenbach said:

Thanks to a buddy, I was able to check out the video a bit ago.  I liked the honesty and candidness of the whole thing.

i cant view this. It says the video is private....Can someone republish?

Nate Storey said:

Hey- failure's part of the process, and all of the smart teachers and classrooms in the world can't give you the experience and knowledge that an epic fail or two will.  You really can't be a Buddhist and an AP practitioner- too much bad karma from killing so many fish and plants. . . 

Can anyone offer a recap of what was said in the video? I gather from the commentary that it was somewhat critical of AP commercial potential. I read someone's comment that he might have denied AP's ability to feed the world. If anyone really believes that AP can replace earthbound agriculture, they're living in fantasy land. AP's value for large scale production of food lies in it's ability to utilize nutrients from aquaculture that would otherwise pollute our natural waters. The ability to raise your own food locally is wonderful and valuable. But even when AP really catches on, it still will only produce a small fraction of the food needed to feed humanity. AP isn't a replacement for industrial food production, it's supplemental. It's far too labor and investment intensive to replace large scale farming.

That was basically it, Siggy, and, by extension, he might have come across as critical of some commercial operators and trainers.  As a scientist (not to mention just being a good guy) he is normally quite careful about what he says in public and his understanding was that he was going to have editorial control over this video when it was shot...otherwise he wouldn't have made those off-the-cuff kind of comments. He was quite angry when the video came out without his knowledge, much less his review, so he asked that it be taken down and it essentially was by being privatized. I think we can all empathize with having video shot of us in a private moment that we don't want put up on the internet!  

I completely agree with you about AP not feeding the world, BTW, and recently wrote a blog post about that very subject that you may find interesting -

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