Aquaponic Gardening

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We picked up our first bluegills 4 days ago and 2 days in we noticed what appear to be white fungus on the dorsal fins. Water quality is right on and clear. Me thinks it was on them from the fish farm. We salted them in a heavy salt solution upon arrival as the vendor suggested. They appear healthy otherwise. Here is a Youtube vid showing the growth. I don't see many pics around the net describing the various fish problems. Perhaps someone can help. I am about to calculate a salt dosage for the system which I hate to do as everything else is perfect.

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Well most are in our spring fed pond now so we will continue to feed them there. 3 healthy looking ones are in with the 1 remaining comet and doing fine so far in their 200 gal ibc. Driving 4800 miles next week so my wife is in charge of the AP. Bringing our 2 boats back from Maine, what a pain. Can't wait to get that over with.

Just picked up some Bluegill, yesterday, and have the same thing!! I put a pinch of potasium in the tank, so we will see!! I've tried salting in the past and never had any luck.

I'll be looking forward to hearing of your success!!


Lost all of my Bluegill overnight.

Talked to Aquaculture guy (who I bought me fish from)  and He said that the high temps (around 100) have stressed the fish too much. He's gonna replace the fish in a couple of weeks when it should be cooler.

Bummer.  I stocked bluegill in Dec. and they did well in spite of me.  Stocked 60 catfish at the same time and 58 died due to nitrite.  Possibly I'll eat the two catfish between now and Dec.  and stock a few more.  Catfish really pack on the pounds.  I hope to breed my own bluegill next spring. 

Steve Champion said:

Lost all of my Bluegill overnight.

Sorry to hear that, Steve. Heat is bad for shipping fish, and bluegill are bad for handling stress. However, if you lost all your fish in one night, I'd bet my left nut the cause of death was low oxygen in your tank, not shipping stress or shipping temp. Fix that issue before you replace the batch

Steve Champion said:

Lost all of my Bluegill overnight.

Talked to Aquaculture guy (who I bought me fish from)  and He said that the high temps (around 100) have stressed the fish too much. He's gonna replace the fish in a couple of weeks when it should be cooler.

not necessarily so,,,

the first 200 BG I got showed signs of illness/stress after a 30 min ride from pick up point...   I have the same system running now as then, working great as I type..  with in 48 hours 90% had died.  I did get replacement fish a few moths later and those only showed minor issues and 90% survived.  

Jon Parr said:

Sorry to hear that, Steve. Heat is bad for shipping fish, and bluegill are bad for handling stress. However, if you lost all your fish in one night, I'd bet my left nut the cause of death was low oxygen in your tank, not shipping stress or shipping temp. Fix that issue before you replace the batch

Steve Champion said:

Lost all of my Bluegill overnight.

Talked to Aquaculture guy (who I bought me fish from)  and He said that the high temps (around 100) have stressed the fish too much. He's gonna replace the fish in a couple of weeks when it should be cooler.

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