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I have a Hanna Checker digital pH meter but I think the probe is at the end of its lifespan.  Before ordering a new probe, I wondered if any of you experienced folks have a preferred pH meter choice/brand? 

(The API colorimetric pH test is making me wonder if I have a rare form of color blindness!  I can never convince myself which color really matches.)

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Hanna has other PH checkers that are better than the one I think you mentioned. I have the checker with the single (thin) probe, and it seems it goes out of calibration ever time I use it. I get better results by leaving it soak in the cleaning solution when not in use. I still resort to the API kit for a more reliable test. I believe the more you spend on a digital checker, the better the reliability will be. Just my thoughts, as I have not purchased the more pricey ones yet.

Thanks.  I ended up getting the Extech ph100. The first one I received did not work, but the company sent another one immediately, and it is working well.  I'm hoping for durability.  I like seeing a number better than the colorimetric tests which mess with my eyes.

ive purchased the Hanna &Truncheon.. ones too much trouble, the other just didn't work

its always fastest and easiest to use the General Hydroponics test drops... it takes about 4 seconds.   .,.,I don't even like using the API test.. too many colors.

I bought this unit off Amazon for $14 and it works fine. Holds calibration well and gives accurate readings. Beats the hell out off the drops.

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