Aquaponic Gardening

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My First Aquaponics Home Setup Update 1

Fish are doing well. Plants are doing well. Still having issues with keep in water temp down, but I'm not losing the battle. I have move my setup to get the ...

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Comment by Richard on July 2, 2011 at 10:47pm
Well even the gallon jugs don't last long. If I had the room in the freezer I would be using alot more of them to get the water temp down in to the low to mid 80's.
Comment by litano on July 2, 2011 at 9:04pm
Yeah, I did not play the entire video. The one liter bottles did not last too long today at 90 degrees. I may switch to gallon jugs too. I guess too cold to ok???
Comment by Richard on July 2, 2011 at 8:48pm
Well I'm using two 1 gallon water bottles. That i Freeze and replace them twice a day. Just to keep the water temp down to 90 to 95F. It is just way to hot to grow some of the stuff I'd like to grow. I have this unit in the garage. What I'm hoping is that I can come up with a cheap swamp cooler to cool off the whole garage. The garage always seems to be 15F hotter than outside temps. Good in the winter kinda sucks in the summer when it 110F outside.
Comment by litano on July 2, 2011 at 1:21pm
the guy at the hydo store suggested freezing one litre bottles of water and add it to th pond which I have done here in sunny so. calif. as the heat here is topping 90. seems to be working and I may do this twice a day. He said the plants like colder water.

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