Recomendations for GrowbedsI have read most of the posts in this group and want to sort of pull all the information together. I have 8 virgin IBC's sitting on my lawn. As soon as the weather clears, I plan to cut, support and…DiscussionRecomendations for Growbeds1 Like
December 2012
Things I Have Learned From My First Aquaponi…My system is a 10-gallon tank with a 1:1 ratio to a gravel-filled grow bed. I have three 3-inch long goldfish, and I keep my water at 75 deg F. I am using a bell siphon on a CHOP 2 system design. I g…DiscussionThings I Have Learned From My First Aquaponi…3 Likes
November 2012
Barrel-ponics-aug updatevideoBarrel-ponics-aug update1 LikeAquaponics HintsvideoAquaponics Hints1 LikeBuilding the Aquaponic Geodesic Dome Greenho…videoBuilding the Aquaponic Geodesic Dome Greenho…5 LikesAquaponic system introvideoAquaponic system intro1 LikeMedia Based SystemsGroupMedia Based Systems12 Likes
October 2012
Buy / Sell MarketplaceUse the Comments space below to post want ads for aquaponics equipment you are looking for or want to sell. This is not intended to be a place for commercial businesses to advertise, but rather…PageBuy / Sell Marketplace12 LikesTrout GrowersGroupTrout Growers6 LikesNorthwest AquaponicsGroupNorthwest Aquaponics17 LikesAquaponics For BeginnersGroupAquaponics For Beginners68 Likes