foundation backfilled!photofoundation backfilled!3 LikesIMG_4622photoIMG_46221 LikePillow Dome Geodesic DomeI had a converstation with several folks about Geodesic Domes. While at New Alchemey I got to work on the Pillow Dome. I had already built several domes. Dome homes, Greenhouses and even a huge Barr…DiscussionPillow Dome Geodesic Dome3 Likes
September 2011
Ghost ChiliphotoGhost Chili2 LikesTroll Bridge ResurrectionphotoTroll Bridge Resurrection1 LikeGeodesic Dome Greenhouse - Part 6 TeaservideoGeodesic Dome Greenhouse - Part 6 Teaser6 LikesRecording everything you doI didn't know where to put this so I decided it was basic and usefull. I hope you think it is. When I first started my systems in Dec of 09 I was to busy to record anything. That was my excuse whe…DiscussionRecording everything you do1 LikeFeeding Red Claw CrayfishvideoFeeding Red Claw Crayfish1 LikeNew Crayfish Breeding TankvideoNew Crayfish Breeding Tank2 Likes