This is a very exciting time for us at Green Acre Organics. As is typical when students or apprentices make their own way and expand…
BlogGreen Acre Organics Breaking News!13 Likesfoundation backfilled!photofoundation backfilled!3 LikesIMG_4622photoIMG_46221 LikePillow Dome Geodesic DomeI had a converstation with several folks about Geodesic Domes. While at New Alchemey I got to work on the Pillow Dome. I had already built several domes. Dome homes, Greenhouses and even a huge Barr…DiscussionPillow Dome Geodesic Dome3 Likes
September 2011
Ghost ChiliphotoGhost Chili2 LikesTroll Bridge ResurrectionphotoTroll Bridge Resurrection1 LikeGeodesic Dome Greenhouse - Part 6 TeaservideoGeodesic Dome Greenhouse - Part 6 Teaser6 LikesRecording everything you doI didn't know where to put this so I decided it was basic and usefull. I hope you think it is. When I first started my systems in Dec of 09 I was to busy to record anything. That was my excuse whe…DiscussionRecording everything you do1 LikeFeeding Red Claw CrayfishvideoFeeding Red Claw Crayfish1 LikeNew Crayfish Breeding TankvideoNew Crayfish Breeding Tank2 Likes