T5's need to be replaced every 6 months - Tr…T5's need to be replaced every 6 months - True or False?
I run mine about 15 hours/day and got them 5 months ago. I read somewhere that they should be replaced every 6 months because the intensity d…DiscussionT5's need to be replaced every 6 months - Tr…1 Like001photo0012 LikesMy Koi PondphotoMy Koi Pond1 LikeMore FishphotoMore Fish2 Likes018photo0181 Likethesystemphotothesystem1 Like
October 2011
APunitsetup2photoAPunitsetup21 Like10-29-11-4photo10-29-11-41 Like10-29-11-2photo10-29-11-21 LikeAPphotoAP5 Likesaquaponic 062photoaquaponic 0622 Likesaquaponic 022photoaquaponic 0221 Likeaquaponics_setupphotoaquaponics_setup2 LikesGeodesic DomephotoGeodesic Dome2 LikesSunrise on the new domephotoSunrise on the new dome5 LikesBreedersphotoBreeders1 LikeFingerligsphotoFingerligs2 LikesSmaller fingerlingsphotoSmaller fingerlings2 Likesmore veg.photomore veg.1 Likethe day before the domephotothe day before the dome2 Likesrubbermaid_ag_tanksphotorubbermaid_ag_tanks1 Like