Aquaponics update April-2-12, 009photoAquaponics update April-2-12, 0091 LikeHanna meterphotoHanna meter1 LikeFinally Up and Running!photoFinally Up and Running!1 Likewiseway pellet stovephotowiseway pellet stove1 LikeP3280011photoP32800113 Likes8photo83 LikesFoodiesGroupFoodies5 Likes
March 2012
Bed1photoBed12 LikesSDC11404photoSDC114042 LikesNew 1000 watt lightphotoNew 1000 watt light2 Likes3-13-12_008photo3-13-12_0082 LikesIn the NewsI'm on the front page of the paper.
Well..... the primary topic isn't about AP, but they do talk about it at the end of the article. When the dome greenhouse is complete, they're going to come back…DiscussionIn the News3 LikesHigh tunnel 3.6.2012photoHigh tunnel 3.6.20121 Like
February 2012
2012-02-25 10.27.10photo2012-02-25 10.27.102 LikesFirst AP SaladphotoFirst AP Salad2 LikesNew pond raceway systemphotoNew pond raceway system1 LikeAngle shot of new pond raceay systemphotoAngle shot of new pond raceay system1 LikeBubble Pack and plastic sheetphotoBubble Pack and plastic sheet1 LikeHybrid systemphotoHybrid system1 LikeWorld Water Day!Help to celebrate the United Nations World Water Day's 2012 "Food and Water" theme by focusing the world on the incredible potential for low-water agriculture through aquaponics!
What are you going t…PageWorld Water Day!3 LikesWhiteHousephotoWhiteHouse1 Like