Aquaponic Gardening

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Alfred leslie goeltinger's Comments

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At 11:28pm on February 6, 2020, pinyin chen said…

私の名前はピンチェンです。私はタイで生まれ育ちました。私の母は日本から、私のパパはタイですが、彼が亡くなる前にトルコに滞在し、ほとんどの仕事をしました。 私はあなたのプロフィールを見て、あなたに興味を持つようになります、あなたが私の友達になりたいです、私は安全であることを願っています。 ..私は今のところすべてだと思う、笑顔私はあなたに私のメールに返信してほしい

At 7:50am on March 15, 2011, Sahib Punjabi said…

We will pray for you Alfred. May you, your family and all of you in harms way be safe and sound.


God bless.

At 7:31am on March 14, 2011, Sylvia Bernstein said…

Alfred, how are you doing with the earthquake and tsunami?  We are concerned for you!



At 9:08am on November 12, 2010, Sylvia Bernstein said…
Hi Tokyo Alfred. Always a delight to hear from you.

I need to know more about what is going on in your system before I can offer any advice. How many fish and what size? What are your ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH readings? How much grow bed volume do you have? Some pictures would really help. Once you have all that I also encourage you to post this as a forum topic so you can see what others think might help as well - there are a lot of very smart and very experienced aquapons in here.
At 10:45am on October 25, 2010, Greg Tarver said…
Hi Alfred,
I will be going to the US later this week to attend a wedding.
Did you want me to get you anything while I am there?

Did you already get that PH Test Kit?

Best Regards,
At 4:28am on October 24, 2010, Manfred Wille said…
hallo alfred Fisch brauchen nicht viel sonnenschein am besten ist wen du deine eigene
ideen ausubst. remember amonia nitrite nitrate das muss stimmen und die wassertemperatur uber 18grad in dem buch from Dr.james e rok
ocy.die bacterie stirbt
unter 18 grad und ohne bacterie die transformation von amonia to nitrate ? manfred
At 1:29am on September 19, 2010, Affnan said…
Hi alfred,

Are you referring to CHOPS, if so please follow Murray's design. The one in my blog is just to illustrate simplified CHOPS, The water outlet on CHOP can be below surface if you have a strong pump and more water in the fish tank.

Its best to do as Murray's DVD since its his system and I'm merely giving brief explanation.

At 9:22am on September 14, 2010, Affnan said…
Hi Alfred,
I'm guessing here..

Are you making growbed from that fish tank ? If that is your intention its best to make a hole for the siphon. Because using U-pipe type of siphon on such will require you to have the top most part of the u tube as the upper water level of the growbed.

The u-pipe will be over the fish tank edge, this would not cause any siphon action unless its lower than that. You either need to make a hole at the bottom (for bell siphon) or on the side for U-tube (loop siphon)

Loop siphon may be difficult to get right, I have not experiment much on this (maybe next) to give concrete advise.

U-pipe and bell siphon, the syphon power is same because its depend on length of syphon outflow length to create the gravity/suction pulling force. However in Aquaponics the continuous inflow will add to difficulties in getting it right.

I don't see there is any problem with the acrilic tank you mention, however without further info from yourself, my explanation here are base on generalise situation.

Hope this help.

At 8:38am on September 6, 2010, Ingo Bläser said…
Hallo Alfred,
schön dich kennen zu lernen!
Tja 4-6 Stunden Sonne ist wirklich nicht viel. Ich bin zwar kein Crack, aber würde sagen, dass es schon besser wäre, wenn es etwas mehr Licht gäbe. Ich denke, entweder suchst du dir Pflanzen aus, die nicht so viel direktes Licht brauchen (Paprika, Tomaten, Karotten, etc.) oder du nimmst zusätzlich eine Lampe die pro Tag ca. 4 Stunden brennt. Allerdings ist das eine Menge Strom und mit einer Photovoltaik-Anlage wirst du das gleich e Problem haben.

Ich hoffe mein Kommentar hat dir ein wenig geholfen.
Wünsche dir viel Glück - bis bald! Viele Grüße, Ingo
At 8:15am on September 4, 2010, Werner Kraeutler said…
Ich hab im Garten eine Minianlage die praechtig fuktioniert. Kleiner Fischteich, Pumpe, Plastikblumentrog und schon gehts.
At 5:17am on September 4, 2010, Werner Kraeutler said…
Hallo Alfred, ich bin urspruenglich aus Oesterreich, genauer aus Vorarlberg. Der Ort heisst Koblach. Arbeite nun seit 5 Jahren in Thailand. Ich kenne sehr viele Bauern im Isaan die nur den Hom Mali (Jasminreis) nur einmal im Jahr anbauen koennen. In der Trockenzeit gibts fuer die wenig zu tun. Was sie haben: Teiche mit Fischen. Ich denke mit Aquaponics Loesungen koennten die Bauern ein gutes Zusatzeinkommen erzielen. Der Weg ist steinig und weit, aber am Horizont ist Aquaponis. Das fasziniert mich.
At 7:35pm on September 2, 2010, Murray Hallam said…
Hi, we have a member on our forum who grows artichokes very successfully.
As to the sunlight question, plants need sunlight no matter what the growing system. In colder northern climates where there are shortened days during winter, grow lights as used in hydro systems may be needed.
At 1:01pm on September 2, 2010, TCLynx said…
I've heard that artichokes grow very well in Aquaponics. I've only grown one that way but plan to do more in the future.
At 5:53am on September 2, 2010, Sylvia Bernstein said…
Hi Alfred,

Thanks for joining the Aquaponic Gardening community! I hope you find it a fun place to explore aquaponics. There is a real blend of experienced and new aquapons in this community, so please don’t hesitate to get in there and start asking questions. Everyone is quite happy to help out new members – no question is too basic.

A great place to start is to read the How to Use This Site link on the upper right corner, “Start Here” section of the Main page.

Please participate!

Thanks again for joining us, and I look forward to getting to know you.


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