Aquaponic Gardening

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Jeremiah Robinson's Comments

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At 9:00pm on December 8, 2014, Jeff S said…

I saw a request the other day about how to deal with high humidity in a GH and was curious about that myself since it rains in my GH during the winter. Just now it occurred to me that, while it would tend to decrease temps in the GH, if you took a small pump and circulated water (or anti-freeze) outside to cool it and back inside to create controlled condensation you could in essence have a cheap dehumidifier. If you catch the run off from the condensation lines you just put it back into your FT. Whadaya think?

At 11:07am on November 20, 2014, John Pink said…

Hi In your EMAIL I believe   you mentioned that you hadn't come across insulated I B C systems ? The first thing I did was to insulate the system ,cool in summer warm in winter .The grow light eight T 5 lights combined with sump tank give 12C- outside Tem 9C fish tank 19C -,going to install gas heating for G H ,simply the grow lights go out  at  night , the gas heater can maintain tem to about 15C .When it gets colder will send you readings .My first winter aquaponics .I like the idea of using freezers  good insulators

At 9:48pm on August 1, 2014, John Fruncek said…

Jeremiah, what do you think of this greenhouse design? I came across it while dreaming of creating something like it on my parent's land in Door County. I'm not thinking of the "rooftop" aspect, but more just the "bucky ball" shape, which would be easy to build, shed snow and wind load, and generally be awesome. Then perhaps one of your covered fish tanks right in the middle? Wonder if I would need to excavate ala a root cellar to be able to heat it thru a Door Co. winter? Could it be done with plastic covering? I just started surfing your site so please excuse the newbie questions.

At 9:03am on June 19, 2014, Jim Fisk said…

Remember that my FTs are not in the hothouse per say but in a separate insulated (gaining on that) room that is well shaded and pretty much at outdoor temps, but shaded. I will have to figure out a way to test it. I am still on the fence but appreciate your input (above just about anyone else I can think of)

Got all my water and electric and IT run underground to the GH this week and started the pine siding going up. Very exciting to see things moving forward again. Liner is going into the raft bed this week as well.

At 7:28am on June 19, 2014, Jim Fisk said…

I left a comment at your FB page but it goes into the "other" folder til we "friend".

Anyhow, I have a Q for our enthalpy expert. Is it better to remove insulation from the FTs in the Summer so that they can sweat? Evap cooling could be more effective than insulation. Any thoughts when u have time? or should I run some sort of test when I have time

At 6:57am on June 18, 2014, Jim Fisk said…
Hey, are you a Dad yet? How's it going? On the edge of our seats here. Hope all is well. J
At 9:20am on May 4, 2014, Jeff S said…

I got your email blast in the Michigan Aquaponics Association room but had a heck of of a time finding this group. May be just my lack of internet/blog experience. When I clicked the link on your invite it took me to the MAA group but nothing was there to guide me to your group. I se from the responses that you must have reached a lot of people.

At 1:46pm on July 16, 2013, Troy Curtin said…

Hello Jeremiah,

I also live in Madison.  If you'd ever be interested in showing off your system give me a shout.  I'd love to meet a fellow aquapon in this city.

At 11:08pm on June 20, 2012, Sylvia Bernstein said…

Welcome Jeremiah!


Thanks for joining the Aquaponic Gardening community!  I hope you find it a fun place to explore aquaponics.  There is a real blend of experienced and new aquapons in this community, so please don’t hesitate to join in.  Always thrilled to have experienced growers join us--please post some photos of your system!


A great place to start is to read the “How to Use This Site” link on the upper right corner, “Start Here” section of the Home page.


Please add a profile image, participate and check in with us every day!  We are constantly posting news about aquaponics and the good food movement.


Thanks again for joining us, and I look forward to getting to know you.



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