Aquaponic Gardening

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Michelle Silva's Blog – August 2010 Archive (3)

DWC net pots

I need advise ASAP with net pots.

I have 2,000 2"poppleman and made sure to tell the supplier I wanted the one with the lip so it doesn't fall thru. It took a while to receive them and yesterday when we started drilling holes, found that they slipped thru when using the 2" holesaw. The supplier sent me a photo of the only other one poppleman sells, but it's called a slit pot. The openings are larger. It's hard to tell but that looks like it could possibly have a larger "lip" to prevent it… Continue

Added by Michelle Silva on August 30, 2010 at 11:42am — 2 Comments

rafts for DWC

Can anyone advise what the difference is between using Dow blue boards and the white 2" styrofoam at Home Depot. Do the dow blue boards need to be painted? I don't know if I would ever try to be "Certified Organic" but I would want to do what is safest.. Does it make a difference? Thanks.

Added by Michelle Silva on August 7, 2010 at 8:00pm — 5 Comments

Billboard vinyl liners

I am using two billboard liners to line the "raceways/raft tanks" and was wondering if anyone knew if it would be a problem (in terms of dyes leaching or poisoning the water) to use the printed side up. I know the online source that sells them, says you must place ad side down, but the ad will mostly be covered up by the rafts and the colors will mostly only show on the top 8" of block and slightly on the sides. It's much lighter in color (blues, yellows, red etc), so will be a lot less heat…


Added by Michelle Silva on August 7, 2010 at 7:30pm — 3 Comments

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