What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
How big is your fish tank?
3 IBC"S 175gallon
Name a part of a fish (spam blocking question)
Please tell us something else about yourself.
got interested in organics about 40 years ago, just this year got tired of loosing crops due to water shortage decide to do some thing different, found one lead to aquaponics and have been hooked on it. presently building small green house 17 ft. by 30 on south sid of barn. Also believe that god has given us all the cures for the diseases and am trying to grow several different herbs.
I too live in Norwalk. I would love to see your system. I haven't had the space of my own to build one of adequate size. Email me if it'd be if it'd be ok if I could drop by for a visit. Nomadatlop@MSN.com Is my personal email. And just to prove I'm not a spammer I'll end this with something only people from our area will know an that's "go trucker blue and gold."
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