Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Nick Scud
  • Male
  • Simpsonville, SC
  • United States
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  • Rob Jordan
  • Jim Fisk
  • Omari Jaffe
  • Bobby McGovern
  • John Nicholson

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Nick Scud's Discussions

Has anyone Co-Op planted Anise (or OTHERS) in their grow beds, to deter pests?

Started this discussion. Last reply by George Jun 10, 2014. 11 Replies

I'm told anise can be a great aphic deterrent among other things.  I am using a weekly or bi-weekly spray of 3-in-1 organicide, and has been working well -- However other preventative measures are…Continue

Acidity (potential issue) please Advise

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nick Scud Apr 28, 2014. 4 Replies

Hi forum.  I run a 275 tilapia tank into 2 chopped IBC beds.  Last year the system worked phenomenally, save for the rain which interupted a beautiful grow season and effectively split into two... …Continue

Sambac Jasmines in Aquaponics? Anyone Done This??

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nick Scud Jan 7, 2014. 4 Replies

Hi forum - Hope everyone is having a nice winter.   I'm wondering if anyone has had success with sambac Jasmines in aquaponics.  I'm not sure how well they'd do or not, and/or if it's worth…Continue

HELP - Tomato plants yellowing with brown spots

Started this discussion. Last reply by Alex Veidel Jul 10, 2013. 11 Replies

HELP - Tomatoes:  Plants were in overdrive!  starting fruiting amazingly, but now leaves have yellowed/browned and started dying in spots - fruit is hanging on and gaining some color now. pH has gone…Continue


Nick Scud's Page

Profile Information

How did you find us?
a friend
If you found us through a referral or a newsletter, which was it?
Jim Fisk
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
flood and drain media, raft, NFT, combination
How old is your system?
Less than 6 months
What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
Tilapia, Trout, Other
How big is your fish tank?
275 IBC
Name a part of a fish (spam blocking question)
Please tell us something else about yourself.
I have a ton of interests, and am a very passionate and loyal guy.

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At 7:27pm on June 24, 2013, Rob Jordan said…
Nick, I am very frustrated. I can't seem to get my beds to fill completely, or drain completely. If I fill the bed completely, the siphon starts, but only drains part way. Then it just stays in equilibrium where water coming in equals water going out. :-t Any ideas?
At 12:03pm on June 5, 2013, Rob Jordan said…

Need some advice.  I have cut 2 330gal totes so that I have a 300 gal FT with 2 14" deep GBs (as you suggested).  I also have a barrel (55 gal or so) that I'm thinking of using for sump (I am thinking about burying it).  I know you advise a bigger sump, but I just don't have room.  I have ordered a 1100 gph pump.  Now that I'm laying it out, I am stumped.  Need advice on the configuration.  I know the sump is the low point in the system.  Do the GBs drain into the sump?  If the GBs are higher than the FT, how does the water get from the FT to the GBs?  It looks like your GBs are lower than the FT.  Is that better?  I really don't want two pumps working.  What if the power fails?

I like the siphon idea, but they are kind of expensive.  Can I make my own siphons?  Any ideas.  Also, I have ordered an assortment of Uniseals.  What the heck is that huge, S-shaped pipe for?

At 9:12am on May 25, 2013, Omari Jaffe said…

hi neck been watching your photos and realize you do have a sump tank and also have available space in the ground to add one. Are you thing about adding one? i like your nft idea it cool.


At 8:53am on May 25, 2013, Omari Jaffe said…

hey nick what you want to ask about the nft system?  also thank for the add.

At 8:46am on March 23, 2013, Jim Fisk said…

Hey Nick, As to the sump inflow I just ran it underground and thru the top side (just below the top) and extended it into the sump a foot. Nothing special:

I'll start pu the odd ball TAs and Ts and stuff u mentioned. I always have the siphons made or ready to finish. You might enjoy my ebay store in the interim.

At 9:37am on March 22, 2013, Jim Fisk said…

Hey Nick, welcome aboard and may the fun begin


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